A New Beginning

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I hugged mom upon finding her outside the stadium and got tackled into a group hug by Green, Blue, and Yellow. I received so many words of praise, I couldn't keep track of what everyone was saying to me. It was as if they were speaking a new language.
I was too busy taking this all in to care.
I just won the Pokémon League!
"So are you coming home now, Fire?" mom asked when everything calmed down a little. I looked off into the distance, seeing Gold and Crystal waiting for me.
"Well- wait.... where's Silver?" I asked, ignoring mom's question for a moment.
"Here." a voice deadpanned behind me. I turned to see Silver standing beside Professor Oak, who had also just shown up.
"Aren't you the boy Fire battled in the last round? You're very strong." mom complemented to Silver.
"Thank you, ma'am." Silver bowed politely at mom as he spoke.
"Mom, this is Silver. He's my rival, and my best friend."
"Yes, yes, so you told me during the preliminaries. It's nice to finally meet you, Silver!" mom exclaimed happily.
"The pleasure's all mine." Silver stated warmly as he shook hands with mom.
When he got so proper was beyond me, but I'm just gonna go with it.
"Well, why don't you get all your friends and invite them over for a celebration feast!" Mom suggested cheerfully.
"Sounds like a plan!! Come on, Silv! Let's go get Gold and Crys!" I called as I dashed ahead.
"Wait up! Fire!" Silver yelled after me, annoyance hinted in his tone. I stopped when I reached Gold and Crys, the setting sun shading their faces and making their eyes appear to shimmer.
"So, where to next?" Gold asked calmly.
"My mom wants to have a feast to celebrate today with all of us. If you guys want to come, we can move forward from there." I stated softly.
"Of course! There's lots to celebrate about today! I say we all go and meet Fire's mom." Crys exclaimed cheerfully.
"Right! We never did meet you mom, Fire. Plus, I'd really love to see what Kanto is like!" Gold agreed.
"Silver? What do you want to do?" I asked.
"Wherever you all go, I'm there. I for one have no objections." Silver stated simply.
With everyone agreeing, I informed mom that we'd meet her there since we couldn't all fit in Bill's car. We decided to go through a shortcut to Route 1 instead of going through Viridian City. It didn't take long for us to get there, and as we neared Pallet Town, I breathed in the nostalgic air.
"It feels so nice to be back home." I stated breathlessly.
"I haven't been back in Kanto for almost a complete four years. I had almost forgotten how beautiful it really is." Silver commented softly, taking in the scenery of Route 1.
"Look, there's Pallet Town!!" I called, breaking into a run as I spotted my hometown. Typhlo ran beside me, energy filling him as we made it into the outskirts of town.
"It's so beautiful here!" Crys exclaimed.
"Yeah! It reminds me of New Bark Town, but it's even cleaner here than back home!" Gold stated as he admired the grassy fields.
"That's because the people of Pallet Town all grew up surrounded by nature, so they do their very best to keep the area as clean as can be." I explained. I lead everyone to my house, touring them through the town as I did so. I told them who lived where, what connections everyone had, and told them about all the Pokémon that populate the town as well.
I know just about everything about this town. That's why I love it here so much.
Soon enough, we arrived at my front door. I took a deep breath before opening it, the scent of mom's cooking pouring out as I did so.
"Oh, they're here! Hi sweetie!" mom exclaimed. Green rushed to the door to greet me when he spotted me.
"Well, well, future Champ, care to introduce us?" Green asked playfully, signalling to Blue and Yellow, who had come out of the kitchen to see who was at the door.
"Yeah, sure! Green, Blue, Yellow, these are my friends, Silver, Crystal, and Gold. Guys, this is Green, Blue, and Yellow, the Heroes of Kanto and close friends of mine as well." I introduced cheerfully.
I left the living room with a grin as my two groups of friends chatted away, heading upstairs for a while. I opened the door to my room and looked around. It was just how I left it. I placed my Pokéballs gently on my desk and dropped my bag against the closet door. I took in a deep breath, holding it for a moment as I smiled to myself.
It's been too long since I've been back here.
I threw myself back first onto my bed, spreading my arms on the fluffy sky blue covers. I sighed in contentment, closing my eyes as I took in the warmth of the sunlight pouring through my window.
Sometimes I don't ever want to leave this town. The calm breeze, fresh air, and loving neighbors, it's hard to leave behind. But I love the people and Pokémon I've met because I left too.
I heard a soft call outside my window, and peaked up to see a Pidgey outside of it. I smiled warmly, getting up to open my window for it.
"Hiya, Kyo. Long time no see. How's it going?" I asked warmly as I pet its little head. I recognized this Pidgey anywhere. He's one of the wild Pokémon who lives in town. I helped him rebuild his nest when a Rattata nocked it over back when I was a little kid. Kyo's been living here ever since and he's always helping Tony, the local shop owner, out with his work. Kyo crowed softly, nuzzling into my hand. He pulled a little box with a note tied to it out of his Pidgey-sized messenger bag, placing them it in my hand. "This from Tony?" I asked casually, earning a nod from the cheerful Pidgey. "Thanks, Kyo. Tell Tony I might drop by later." I stated cheerfully, waving the little bird Pokémon off as he flew back to Tony's shop. I turned my attention back to the note and began to read it.

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