Downside Dances

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The building wasn't at all what I was expecting. But it still looked like a lot fun, not to Silver though, he looked horrified. I had dragged him to the Ecruteak Dance Theater.
There was a small crowd of people dancing in pairs, happily swaying to the beat of the music. I beamed at Silver, but he only gave me a completely dumbfounded look.
"You.... you dragged me to a dance theater. What's wrong with you?" Silver asked quietly.
"Oh don't be such a party pooper, come dance with me!" I cheered, pulling him by the arm. He pulled back, his face slightly reddened as he did so.
"What?! No way!! I did not sign up for this!" Silver hissed. Eevee suddenly released itself from its Pokéball, its usual calm, quiet composure was gone as it gazed in awe at all the lights and dancing people. Eevee began to skip around in place, creating its own little dance. Silver and I watched for a moment before I gave him an encouraging smile. Silver slapped a hand to his forehead and sighed, letting me drag him into the crowd.
I released Quilava and demonstrated how to dance with him to Silver. Quilava was hesitant at first, but eventually got the hang of it and had some fun twirling around and swaying to the beat of the music. I reached a hand out to Silver, signaling it was his turn. Like Quilava, Silver hesitated, glancing around to make sure no one was watching. He hesitantly took my hand and I pulled him closer. He gave me an unsure look. I smiled reassuringly, placing my other arm around his neck.
We took one step to the left, then the right, then left again, and I then spun around, holding Silver's hand above my head. I gazed back into his eyes, and he seemed slightly more relaxed, but he was still staring awkwardly at me.
After a while, we really got the hang of it, forgetting about everyone else in the room, it was just us and the music now. We were just having a little fun with the music when I spotted a figure in all black sneak through the crowd. When I lost sight of it, I shrugged it off, guessing it was nothing.
The Kimono girl on the stage called for our attention, and began a slow yet peaceful traditional dance. It almost told a story through her sways. I thought about the feeling I got upon arriving in Ecruteak City and my heart fluttered.
"BOR-ing! What kind of dance is that?!" I heard a man with a raspy voice ask rudely. My eyebrows furrowed and I turned my head to face the man in all black standing at the end of the stage. I spotted a familiar logo on his shirt as he approached the Kimono girl.
"Team Rocket..." I muttered, shoving Silver back with a little force, the tiny voice in the back of my head hoped I hadn't hurt him as I forced my way through the crowd to get to the stage. Silver followed, though he couldn't keep pase and I lost him in the crowd. That however, wasn't my main priority right now.
"This is how you dance!" the Rocket Grunt announced, doing weird, awkward movements that looked more foolish and cringe-y than anything else. As someone who likes a nice dance, his actions offended me personally. I gritted my teeth, dashing up onto the right end of the stage.
"HEY!" I yelled. The Grunt turned his attention to me, as did the Kimono girl and the crowd. "Who do you think you are, disrespecting that Kimono girl?! You got a problem?!" I spat. Eevee and Quilava dashed to my side, glaring at the Rocket Grunt fiercely.
"Why you little... I'll show you! Go, Coffing!" The Rocket Grunt called out, releasing his Pokémon. I dashed in front of the Kimono girl, raising an arm out protectively. I noticed the strong feelings in Eevee's eyes and knew it wanted this battle.
"Go, Eevee! Swift!" I commanded. The move did plenty of damage to the weak Coffing. Before letting it recover, I called another attack. "End it with Quick Attack!" Eevee followed orders as they were given, knocking out the Coffing with one last hit. I smirked triumphantly at the Grunt, thinking I had won.
"Wing Attack!!" I heard a familiar voice command. I turned back to see Nocto knock out a Golbat. The Grunt was using Coffing as a diversion for his real attacker. Smart Grunt, I'll give him that. Silver stood strongly a few yards behind me, glaring at the Grunt. The Rocketeer didn't waste any time making a break for it, and Silver and I didn't bother giving chase.
The crowd cheered us on loudly, causing our tensions to seize. I smirked at Eevee proudly, when all of a sudden, he began to glow. His ears grew rounder, his body taller and slimmer, and his tail's fluffiness died down.
Eevee evolved, in front of a cheering crowd, into its Dark type evolution;


The crowd roared in approval as Umbreon tackled me into a hug. Silver smirked at me from afar, crossing his arms calmly. After the Kimono girl thanked us and finished her dance, Silver and I made our way back to the Pokémon Center.
"That was fun, we should hang out more often, Silv!" I suggested cheerfully. Silver rolled his eyes playfully.
"If we do, let me pick something less degrading, okay?" Silver said half seriously. I laughed at him. We entered the Pokémon Center, not expecting Silver to be slammed into the wall by none other than Gold.
"Where did you take her?!" Gold asked demandingly. Silver ignored the pain in his back and shoulders, glaring at Gold.
"What're you talking about? Let go of me!" Silver growled. I stared in shock, not understanding what was happening in the slightest.
"You know what I'm talking about! Why did you drag Fire out at this time of night?!" Gold yelled, pushing Silver further against the wall.
"Bogus!! She's the one who dragged me to a freaking dance theater! Release me, now!!" Silver spat. Gold refused to budge, so I did the first thing I could think of and commanded Slowpoke to use Confusion. Slowpoke threw Gold to the floor, not too hard, but hard enough to slap some sense into him.
"Hey, what's going on here?!" Crys exclaimed as she dashed over, giving us all a concerned look.
"That's enough, Gold! I did take Silver to a dance theater. We stopped a Team Rocket Grunt and Silver saved my hide out there when a Golbat almost attacked me from behind!! Now will you so kindly drop the attitude you have towards Silver? He's been nothing but good to me today and Croconaw clearly likes and excepts him as a trainer, so just cut it out!" I demanded loudly. Gold pulled himself off the ground and dragged himself out of the Pokémon Center silently, not making eye contact with any of us. Crystal nodded to Silver and I, signaling she'll handle Gold before she followed him out.
I turned to Silver, who was massaging his sore shoulders softly. I placed a hand on his upper arm, lower than his shoulder to avoid hurting him further. "I'm.... so sorry, Silver.... are you okay?" I asked quietly. Silver nodded, a frown on his face as he stared at the ground.
"Yeah, I'm okay." he stated simply.
And that was it. That was how that night ended. With everyone in some kind of physical, mental, or emotional pain.

That's not at all how I like to end my nights...

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