The Legendary Beasts

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I stared blankly at the blue haired girl, as did Gold, but Silver knew what was on his mind and spoke up.
"Who are you? And how do you know those Pokémon?" Silver asked with a tense tone.
"Same as you, ancient folklore. I'm Crystal of Goldenrod City, you can call me Crys for short." Crystal introduced. Silver let his guard fall a little upon hearing her name, but he wasn't completely sure if he could trust her.
"Why were you hiding in the shadows, Crystal?" I asked unsurely. She looked at me as if the answer was obvious, pointing up at the recently caved in floor.
"Because the base floor almost fell on my head! I wasn't sure if you three were dead or not and I wasn't ready to find out!" Crystal exclaimed loudly. Silver and I exchanged glances, letting our guard down completely.
Yeah, she's definitely safe.
We exited the Burned Tower, and headed to the Pokémon Center to make sure we weren't badly injured. We were all fine, a few bandages here and there did the trick. We all sat down in the lobby, I sat beside Silver and Gold sat across from us with Crystal.
He was probably still ticked off at the little scene we had...
"So, what do you know about Entei, Suicune, and Raiku?" I asked.
"Well, I know their folklore. Long ago, Burned Tower was standing tall, just like the other tower. But one day, the tower caught fire and burned to the ground, as seen today. Unfortunately, there were three Pokémon still in the tower when it burned. Those Pokémon perished in the flames. But the Pokémon who called the tower home, the Legendary Rainbow Pokémon, Ho-oh, brought them back to life, with new forms! These Pokémon were then called, Entei, Raiku, and Suicune. The Three Beasts came to honor Ho-oh, and they became its sort of watch Pokémon. Ho-oh is said to never return to Ecruteak City until the hearts of people and Pokémon become one once again. So the Three Beasts roam the world in search for that day. The end!" Crystal announced, finishing the ancient folklore.
"Wow... the Three Beasts..." I murmured.
"Entei..." Silver added.
"Raiku..." Gold mumbled.
"Suicune..." I finished, remembering the majestic form of the Legendary Pokémon. It got dark outside pretty fast as night rolled around. I stood outside on the Pokémon Center's back porch, leaning on the wooden bars and staring off into the sparkling blue lake that was out back. The events of today played back over and over in my mind, paining me every time I thought about the scene I walked in on.
Silver soon approached me silently, standing beside me and gazing at the starry night sky.
"Silver... look, I.... I'm really sorry about what Gold did. I didn't think he'd ever react that badly if he saw you..." I murmured just loud enough for him to hear me.
"It doesn't matter. I don't know why you said all that stuff about me, or why you never turned me in in the first place, since you knew Todadile wasn't my Pokémon from the start, but I don't really care to find out. I'm not changing my mind about crushing you." Silver stated with a slightly harsh tone. I smiled softly at him, knowing better than to take offense to that.
"I said that because it's true. You are my friend, Silver." I assured honestly, placing a hand gently on his back. Silver didn't pull away, but his gaze shifted around uncomfortably. Like an answer to his inward pleas, Noctowl flew to the scene, landing on Silver's shoulder. "Hey, Silver. Nocto really seems to like you." I giggled. Silver gave me a quizzical look, probably noticing that I didn't call it Noctowl. "That's its nickname. I call it Nocto." I informed him. Silver nodded in understanding.
"I get the feeling the most recent Pokémon I caught isn't liking me too well." Silver stated half carelessly.
"Why?" I asked, amusement hinted in my tone. Silver released a small, white Pokémon. It had red and blue triangular spots, and a curious, cream colored face.
"It's a Togepi. He's not too fond of me because our styles are different and he's too stubborn to follow orders." Silver growled. I laughed, taking the Togepi into my arms.
"N'aww, but Silver! He's so cute! Maybe you just scare him. Look at him, he's so tiny!" I squealed joyfully, hugging the cute little Togepi. Silver rolled his eyes at me.
"If you like him so much, you can have him. I can't put up with it anymore." Silver said dismissively.
"Wow, really? Thanks, Silver! Um..." I paused looking around aimlessly for something.
"What?" Silver asked, confused by my sudden double take.
"I gotta give something back to you! ....Oh! I know! We can do a trade, my Nocto for your Togepi." I announced. Silver's eyes widened, as he glanced at Nocto, who was still pearched on his arm.
"Are you serious? Isn't it your second Pokémon? You sure you want to give it to someone like me?" Silver asked, pointing to himself accusingly. I rolled my eyes.
He's letting Gold get to him already.
"Nocto, would you like to go with Silver?" I asked. Nocto nodded, a sympathetic look in its eyes. "Then it's settled, here, Noctowl's Pokéball." I said, placing it in Silver's hand. He handed me Togepi's and I smiled brightly at his cooperation. I happily skipped behind him, linking our arms in the process.
"What're you doing?!" Silver hissed, his cheeks tinted pink in surprise. I pulled him lightly, adding on to his shocked expression.
"Come on, I saw this really neat looking place on the way to Burned Tower, let's go check it out!" I cheered dragging him along.
"Why?!" Silver asked shakily as he was pulled down the street.
"Because I want to, now let's go!!" I called with a light attitude as I tugged a little harder on his arm. Silver groaned loudly, letting me drag him down the road.

Whatever this place was, I was somehow convinced it was gonna be fun.

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