Rising Masters

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I bowed politely to the elder man and apologized for our intrusion. I'm pretty sure somebody his age doesn't need eleven year old kids busting through his door because a dumb jerk of a Gym Leader refuses to give them a Badge. Yet that's exactly what he was putting up with. He must have a lot of patience. Maybe I should ask him to be my mentor...
The elder sent Clair and Silver outside so I could take my Dragon Master Challenge. I didn't understand why they needed to go. Maybe so I wouldn't cheat? Though Silver understands honor and truthfulness and respects it well, and I doubt Clair would help me with anything but my demise so there's no need to worry about cheating, not that I ever would.
"Okay, let us begin the Dragon Master Challenge. What are Pokémon to you?" the elder asked.
"They're my friends... my family." I stated, staring deep into Typhlosion's eyes. The elder gave me a short nod before continuing.
"What helps you win battles?" the elder asked with an interested tone.
"The trust I have between me and my Pokémon, of course." I stated honestly.
"What kind of trainer do you wish to battle?"
"I like to battle admirable trainers who love their Pokémon. Like Morty, Falkner, and Bugsy." I smiled as I thought back to the previous Gym Leaders I've met.... except Clair. 
"What is most important for raising Pokémon?"
"Love! Love and kindness are imperative for raising Pokémon." I exclaimed.
"I see... Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. Which is more important?" the elder stared into my eyes as he asked the final question.
"Neither. Strong Pokémon, weak Pokémon, it doesn't matter. The strong can be made weak, and the weak can be made strong. So who's to judge a Pokémon by power?" I answered quietly, pouring my very soul into my response. The elder nodded, smiling warmly at me as he did so.
"Clair, you and that child can come in now." the elder called.
"How was it? She failed didn't she? I knew she would! She's just as pathetic as I thought she was!" Clair exclaimed smugly. I frowned at her, holding back the need to retort.
"Actually, she passed. With flying colors, if I may add. Fire is a wonderful trainer, with a heart of gold. Admirable indeed." the elder stated. I smiled shyly at him, grateful for his kind words.
"What?! You're joking.... you're joking, right? There's no way she could've passed! She cheated! What did she pay you?!" Clair snapped rudely.
Ok seriously, excuse you!!
"Clair!! How dare you speak of this child that way?! She defeated you, did she not?! And she passed the Dragon Master Challenge. So give her the Rising Badge and admit your defeat!" the elder demanded. Clair hesitantly tossed the Rising Badge at me, huffing as she storms out of the building.
"Can I be honest? I really don't like that Gym Leader. I've met every other Gym Leader in Johto, and they all had amazing qualities and lessons to share. Falkner told me to reach for the stars, Bugsy told me to leave no stone unturned, Whitney taught me to overcome tough challenges and get back up when I fall, Morty told me to leave my fears behind, Jasmine showed me how to be strong without being loud and flaunting my strengths, Chuck helped me to train myself to stay focused in rough times, Pryce taught me how to take the path less travelled by.... but Clair? All I got from Clair was looked down on and disrespected." I stated with a sigh of mild confusion and relief.
"I'd say that's a lesson in itself." the elder stated in a kind tone. I looked at him quizzically. Silver took a step forward to stand beside me.
"True. Clair was an example that not everyone is going to like or except you. Some people are going to hate you and try to bring you down. But that's why it's important to rise to the challenge." Silver stated.
"Wow, you're right! That really is a lesson in itself!" I exclaimed cheerfully.
We made our way back to the Pokémon Center, tired from a long day. I watched from outside as the sun set and stars began to appear in the ebony sky. I stared down at my badges.... Zephyr, Hive, Plain, Fog, Mineral, Storm, Glacier, and Rising. All the Johto Gym Badges.... and I possessed them. I've come so far to get here..... and to think, I've learned so much would be an understatement for sure. Now all that's left is the Pokémon League.
Silver came outside the Pokémon Center to check up on me, leaning against the wall beside me.
"Hey, Silver....... we've come so far, don't you think?" I asked gently.
"Yeah.... we've grown up a lot. I went from some selfish jerk to what I am today. And you went from a broken girl to.... well, a mended one. Maybe not fully mended, but mended nonetheless." Silver stated softly.
"I think we've all been going through some changes.... but you know what hasn't changed?" I asked happily.
"What?" Silver asked curiously.
"We're still rivals. And even though we're still rivals, we're also friends." I stated, gazing up at the stars.
"And no matter what will happen.... we will stand together. Until the day we die." Silver added, a small smile sneaking its way onto his face. Without realizing what I was doing, I ended up randomly embracing Silver, and I could hear his heart trying to thump its way out of his chest. I knew he was blushing. I couldn't say why I hugged him, I just kind of.... did. I didn't really have full control over my actions at that moment.
"Hey, Silver?" I called softly.
"Y-yeah?" Silver stuttered out. Yep. Definitely blushing.
"What's gonna happen to us as after the Pokémon League?" I asked.
"Wh-what?" Silver questioned back.
"After the Pokémon League...... are we all going to have to.... split up?" I asked sadly. I really didn't want to stop traveling with Silver and everyone else, but it felt like our journey was reaching a close.
"I-I..... I don't know...." Silver murmured.
"Do you want to leave?" I asked hesitantly.
"N-no! No.... of course not, Fire. Why would you think I.... no way." Silver stuttered out.
"I don't... I was hoping you'd say no because..." I pulled away smiling softly up at Silver. "I don't want to go either." I stated with a sincere smile. Silver smiled back nervously as felt the wind blow through my hair. I had almost forgotten I kept it loose now..... 'cause he wanted me to. I felt my cheeks begin to heat up, and hoped Silver didn't notice.
"F-Fire? You alright?" Silver stuttered out.
But of course, he did.
"Y-yeah, sorry for.... just hugging you like that. It was random... my bad." I stated shakily, scratching the back of my neck.
"No, no, it's fine. I kind of..... enjoyed it...... a little. Don't over think it." Silver muttered, blushing slightly. I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.
After Silver got his Rising Badge the next day, Gold and Crystal showed up the day after and got their badges. After spending a few days in Blackthorn City, we decided to head back down to New Bark Town, and stay at Gold's place. There, we trained, laughed, played, and hung out for a while, until we decided to split up for now. I set out for Ecruteak City to train with Morty, while Silver set off for Mahogany Town to train at the Lake of Rage. Gold headed for Cianwood City to train under Chuck, and Crystal met up with Jasmine at Olivine City.
We each trained hard over the course of two months, Typhlo, Asuna, Umbre (Umbreon), Rina (Nidorina) and Trickshot (Togetic) settled on their move sets, and Pietro (Slowpoke), who I named after a Fisherman I met once, finally evolved into Slowbro. Morty trained me well and showed me a lot of valuable techniques. Like when he trained me with a blindfold to be the eyes and ears of my Pokémon and vise versa. It was really great to have Morty as my mentor, and to sit and really get to know him too. Falkner and Bugsy also came over to help me train, so I got more acquainted with them as well.
I trained as hard as I could with my Pokémon under the three Gym Leaders for two months, until the fateful day arrived.

I could hear the cheering and anticipation of the crowds in the stadium as I walked through the hall with the other trainers. It was dimly lit, until we reached the battlefield shrouded in spotlights. The screams of joy increased as we arrived, and I searched the crowds excitedly. I spotted mom, Professor Oak, Professor Elm, and Bill and his family in one of the lower rows. I beamed up a them. I imagined Red being in the place Professor Elm sat in. I planned on winning this for him. If only he knew that...
I turned my attention to the announcer in the middle of the stadium.
"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the one, the only, the famous battle competition of the Indigo Plateau, The Pokémon League!!" The announcer cheered. The crowds went wild once more, and I felt determination flood my soul.

I was gonna win this... I had to. For me... for my Pokémon... And most importantly, for Red!

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