koko ni

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Yuri Katsuki

"this is where you live? its beautiful!" i smile at victors enthusiastic face as i look for my keys. He resembles a child in awe of a brand new world.

Vampires. They're supposed to be bloodlusting, terrifying, creatures of the night. But this man, he is a literal sunshine.

Happy doesnt even beggin to cover how I feel about this; he's even better than i imagined he would be. its hard to believe all this is real. It's hard to believe that it's happening to me of all people.

"Mother! I'm home!" i don't expect a reply. At times, she's too weak to even speak. Or wake up.

Victor and i remove our shoes and venture into the living room, its the same as it was before i left; simple and tidy.

"The spare room is at the end of this corridor" i point in the direction I'm describing. i still cant digest that ill have my idol under my roof, staying only a room away from me... i wonder what he looks like when he's sleeping...

shut up brain!

"Yuri?" followed by the weak voice, my mother hobbles into view.

i cant help but wince when i see her.

She looks worse than before; her skin is pale and tight against her bones, the area around her eyes is gray and her eyes are dead and bloodshot in themselves. My mum is a small woman but her arched back makes her look even more minuscule. She also appears to have a fever.

"Mum! You look worse than before i left! have you got a fever?" i drop everything and rush to her side, carefully supporting her in her struggle to stand; "did Minako-sensei come over to help you like she said she would?"

"Yes Yuri, don't fret, she comes every morning" i help her sit down as she speaks, however her attention moves from me to Victor; "who's this? i recognize you..."

"Konnichiwa Miss Katsuki" Victor bows deeply. he seems to be piking up Japanese customs very well. Vampires learn fast i guess. "I'm Victor Nikiforov, I'm to be Yuri's new coach, thank you for having me"

"You're a vampire aren't you?"

oh no. This is what i feared. I know my mother dislikes vampires. that's the real reason i was worried about having victor in her home.

"I am, yes" there's a long and tense silence after that. This isn't at all a good start.

"Well Yuri. I'll only allow him to stay because he is your idol and coach but I- i know why i recognize you! You're plastered all over Yuri's bedroom walls."

"Mother!" when i turn to Victor he has one brow raised in my direction, in an amused manner. i catch him glance at what he must have correctly identified as my bedroom door and I know this is a race I'll be loosing.

Victor darts to my room and I'm not fast enough to stop him. It's too late, he's seen them all. All of my posters of him.

I rush in front of him and try to obstruct his view; Unsuccessfully. Victors expression is one of... awe? Regardless of what it is I feel myself go bright red with embarrassment. He probably thinks I'm some sort of stalker. I mean... I guess I am; I follow him on every social media platform, I watch all of his rutines, then learn them, Or at least try. Rather than praying to god, like a sane person would, I pray to Victor. I've seen all of his interviews, I've downloaded every song he's skated to and I've memorised his Wikipedia page.

"Yuri! do you really love me this much!?" Victor wraps one arm around my shoulders and puts one hand on the back of my head, pulling me into a cuddle; "I think I might cry! You are so Kawaii!" he sounds like an overjoyed kid as he squeezes me tightly. At least he didn't accuse me of being unhealthily creepy.

Were those his lips i felt press onto the top of my head?

I can't breathe. For more than one reason.

"MphVictor, I campht breathmph" i try my best to sound audible but its hard when your practically eating victors chest.

"oh! i'm sorry!" he steps back and cups my cheeks, smiling at me broadly. "Yuri Katsuki," he presses his forehead against my own; "I'm going to take good care of you" I barely hear his words over the loud thumping of my heart. He's so close... so close.

I can see his eyes better than i ever have before, better than in videos or images, or my posters. I've never seen anything so brilliantly beautiful. His eyes are crystals of blue, light and dark. They're clean water under a morning sky. They're everything I see in my dreams.

I want to see these eyes for the rest of my life.

Whoops, this ones short too. hehe.

For my One shot story (go read it my Yoi children) i wanted to do a short of Victor seeing Yuri's posters but i couldn't really find a way to make it interesting, so i thought, why not include it in an actual story? And here it is! Yay!

see you next time!

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