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Yuri Katsuki

"C'mon Yuri! On your feet!" Victor shouts from the side of the rink. I scowl in his direction. How rude of him to be peacefuly drinking his frappuchino while watching me die.

I pick myself off the ice and skate around the rinks perimeter,  preparing for the 100th jump of the day.

I push my body off the ice and manage 3.5 rotations before face planting onto the cold hard surface beneath me. Well this is embarassing.

The sound of Victor slurping the remnants of his drink with a straw stops; "Ok Yuri. We're done"

I stand up with great difficulty and glide to the rink wall; stepping onto the ground where Victor waits. I'm glad he's spared me from pain but it's not like him. He'd usually make me suffer a bit more. Maybe it's because of what I told him about over exherting myslef two days ago.

"What are you gaping at?" I snap once I realise he's been looking at my face like it's freshly made Katsudon. I don't mean to be rude, I guess I'm just stressed.  And self continous.

"Your lip is bleeding"

"Oh" so that's why my face stings.  My tounge comes out to lick the blood away but it stops in its tracks. Victor looks to be on the verge of salivating. 

"Do you um... want to?" I point at my lip as my cheeks become red. This is pretty embarassing.

Without words, Victor takes gentle hold of my chin and brings our faces together. He's pleasantly tender about the way he treats my lip. Rather than latching on and sucking, like a vampire would do, first he licks the excess blood from my bottom lip, then he sucks it, but not with force. He sucks it as if he's savouring the flavour; slowly and delecately. My body tingles with satisfaction as it leans into Victor, taking firm hold of his hoodie with its hands. It's so considerate of him to be ensuring my enjoyment as well as his. I may need to collide with the ice more often now.

"There! All better" Victor's hand explores my hair as he grins. He's not going to just leave me wanting more is he? I wouldn't be surprised. He's the world champion teaser.

I tuck my now healed lip into my mouth to dry it from his saliva and as soon as it comes back out Victor slams his mouth onto mine. Taking advantage of my surprised gasp,  he slips his tounge into my mouth. He doesn't even need to fight for dominance. I let him take full control of my mouth. And body.  His hands slide down my back and I shiver as his cool fingers slip under my shirt and press into my skin.

Just as the world around me starts to blur and I fall deeper into lust and desire a screech shatters the moment.

"I was right!" Still holding eachother,  Victor and I turn to the voice. It's Minako- sensei. She's watching us with Yuko by her side. They're both gobsmacked.

And I'm embarassed. My childhood best friend and my ballet instructor have just witnessed me and my coach passionately eating eachothers faces. This is not happening.

"T-this isn't what it looks like" I shine like a traffic light and rip myself from Victor's grip. What am I even talking about?

"So you and Victor weren't sticking your tounges down eachothers throats?" Minako frowns sarcastically, silently mocking me.

Your blood 》Yuri On Ice Where stories live. Discover now