Bon apetit!

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Victor Nikiforov

"Here it comes! The last triple axel of the rutine!" If the commentator thinks he's exited he has no idea what exitement is. My muscles haven't moved a single centimeter since Yuris free skate started. I haven't taken my eyes off him once, not even to blink.

He's amazing, he's beautiful, he's...

This rutine is called Yuri on ice. It's supposed to symbolise his journey through skating and through life. And let me say that it does a perfect job.

It shows me all the emotion this man has expereanced in his life; the painful truth is that the rutine is predominantly sad, but it has a consistant beauty to it. And it certanly ends with confidence. I wouldn't expect anything less from Yuri.

"Was it good Victor?" I can barely hear him over the croud that's still cheering even though he's off the ice.

"Victor say something" I feel my eyes beggin to water as I stare at Yuri. What can I day?  You were beautiful, you were amazing, you were graceful,  you-

"Yuri that was amazing!" Chris breezes past me and bear hugs Yuri. My happiness is mutilated by my distaste for Chris' actions.

"Chris are you crying?" Yuri pushes Chris back to get a look at his face and chuckles when he realises he's right.

"I'm sorry it was just so beautiful"

"Thanks Chris. I really tried my best. I didn't want to let you down Victor" Yuri directs his wide smile to me and it warms my heart. I don't know what I've done to deserve Yuris admiration.

"Trust me, you didn't let anyone down! Now hurry to the kiss and cry"

"Yuri Katsuki is the last skater of today's competition so his result will determine his final position.... that result being 180! Placing Yuri second with the total of 279.8!" I immediately hug Yuri tightly, sure he didn't get gold but I'm so happy that he did well and In my eyes, his performances were perfect.

"You want to know what I think? I think you'll will conquer the Grand Prix. I know you will." In response Yuri clings to me tightly. I know how much this means to him. I'll make it happen. Because I know how much he means to me.


"So this is Chris' house?" I look up at the two floor orange building before us. It seems a little too bright for a vampire.

"Don't worry Its not so bright inside" Yuri answers as if reading my thoughts. It bothers me that he knows the inside of his house. What has he been here for?

Yuri pushes the bell and we wait. I can't believe we're acctualy having dinner with Chris. He and I are friends but throw Yuri into the equation and things go downhill. I simply can't stand the way he interacts with Yuri. I have no idea why but it gets on my every nerve.

"Hello Mr Silver medal and his brilliant coach! Come in" we follow his order and enter the house. I'm fairly surprised he aknowaldged me this time. Usually he'd just go straight for Yuri and my existance would completely slip his mind.

Yuri was right. In the dinning hall all the walls are black and the carpet is purple. The only sources of light are the tall candles in the center of the table. This is very Chris.

And there's fondue on the table.

This has Chris written all over it; I wouldn't expect anything less from this Swiss weirdo.

"You must explain to me how this happened" Chris waves his finger from me to Yuri and back as he dips a chunk of bread in the melted cheese.

"It just sorta happened" Yuri laughs shyly before dunking some bread in the cheese aswel.

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