Progress report

638 41 83

Victor Nikiforov

The city has welcomed me in its most notorious way; rain. As I stand outside the castle gate, getting soaked in the relentless shower, I watch the road. London is always alive, nothing will stop the dense traffic of taxis, bikes, cars and buses, nothing can stop the clusters of business people hurrying up and down the street, pulling up their coat collars for a little more protection and holding their umbrellas tightly so they don't get taken away by the wind.

I look up to the colourless sky, ignoring the water falling into my eyes, and my mind starts to drift to times before now.

It was on Yuri's list, kissing in the rain. I wish he were here to do that. I wish I didn't have to stand out here alone.

I huff and clench my fists with determination; its no good wishing for things. I have to make them happen.

"Enjoy your walk Mr Nikiforov?" Edwin asks with a kind smile as soon as I step through the castle doors. The butler never wears black unlike Sebastian who lives in the damn colour; he's clad in a white dress shirt, charcoal waistcoat and slacks and a yellow tie. If I were to describe it to someone it would sound like a terrible fashion decision but visually it really works, or he can really pull it off.

"Yes actually, I needed refreshing" Before I can tell him I'll do it myself he's already pulling my soaking trench coat off of my body. Typical of Edwin. He does any and everything, even things normal people don't notice or expect him to do. his rolled up sleeves probably mean he's been trying to fix something outside of his job description.

"Is Dr Giacometti still out?" We agreed that Valentinos job in this would be to research. We need to know as much as possible about Abnormis science in case anything has or will happen to Yuri. Just in case.

"He came momentarily but left again saying he had to meet an old coleague" his eyes cast down as he speaks;

"What is in the bag?" we both look down at the wet Sainsburys bag in my hand.

"Jewel seems on edge, I thought I'd get him cheese cake to cheer him up" he loves this specific cheesecake, I'm sure it'd surprise most people that a King likes supermarket cake.

"Good idea Sir. He's still in his office" Edwin and I nod respectfully at each other before I head up the wide staircase in the centre of the lobby, taking two of the white marble steps at a time, hoping the water from my heavy hair isn't making a complete mess of said stairs.

When I enter the ample office Jewel is at his long white desk, surrounded by papers with a cord phone between his shoulder and ear, he's listening to the person on the line intently as he signs paper after paper like an automated machine.

"No, this is about biased, unfounded legislation" He says to the phone whilst acknowledging me with a smile. Its blatantly forced.

"Alright, what about formal investigation? We have reason to believe a Japanese citizen is being held hostage there" He sounds like he's coming to the end of his long span of patience.

"what do you mean its not within my jurisdiction!? of course it is!" His fist hits the table and I could have sworn the whole room shook.

"You're the seventh person I've spoken to, give me something" He sighs, his shoulders sinking in exasperation.

"you sir, are the pinnacle of uselessness" he says sharply, slamming the phone back into the holder.

"Ugh" His forehead hits the desk as he deflates, "Please tell me you brought tea Victor" he groans desperately. I can only snort at his Britishness and take the box of cake out of the bag, putting it on the table by his head.

"I smell cheesecake" he shoots up with a smile which lights up even more when he sees he's right.

"I'll ask Sebastian to make you tea." Just when I turn on my heel a pen hits me in the back of the head.

"stay. I cant eat this on my own. I might get fat" I respond to his tease with a false look of disappointment as I drag a chair from the corner and put it at the opposite side of the table.

"Who was that on the phone?" I ask once I've sat. Jewel scoffs as he slides the cake out of the box, his eye clearly gleaming with desire for the food. If he were human he would be too large to fit through doors.

"A member of the UN board. An inflexible one" he murmurs, sliding off his glove and pushing half the slice into his mouth like a greedy kid.

"All in need is ten more signatures and we can overturn Yakov's law; its already taken me two weeks to get five. This is moving way too slowly" He explains, voice muffled by cake. In response I nod pensively and take a normal sized bite of my slice.

"I don't doubt your efficiency."

"its them that's the problem. Backward idiots" He spits, clearly irritated.  

"Says the man that thought mobile phones could walk" I make myself laugh but it doesn't have the same effect on him, he cuts his eyes at me, shows just how stressed he is, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Tell the queen to answer the phone maybe?" He rolls his eye as the rest of the slice disappears into his mouth.

"How about I visit her?" He looks shocked as I smile back.

"she's afraid of vampires remember"

"ill just pretend to be human. Easy" I grin in that way that tends to push Jewel into letting me have my way.

"hm... you could pull that off"

Go read Unexpected bc u need more love and attention!!

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Go read Unexpected bc u need more love and attention!!

Q1: if you met me how would you react? Lyk if I saw u reading YB on the bus and said I'm the writer would you be like 'oh, cool I read your stuff' or would you be excited?

Q2: I've mentioned this before but when posting schedule clears up I've been thinking to post a book with writers advice, maybe confessions to do with writers and me as a writer and reviews of other people's books. Would that be something useful to you?

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