Ice Castle

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Yuri Katsuki

"Yuri Katsukis overall score awards him gold for the first time in his career!"

Gold. Finally.

Tears roll down my cheeks as I stare at the scores.

I outperformed Otabek, Pichit, Georgi and so many other skaters. I'm first.

I knew that if I trusted Victor everything would be ok. I could acctually win the GP. This has shown me that I'm able to.

I turn to my coach and before I even realise what's happening his lips smash against mine.

I couldn't care less that this is on national television. I'm too happy. I break the kiss between us and squeeze Victor as tightly as I can.

"Thank you Victor!" I alow myself to escape in his arms. Nothing else Is in my mind. Just him. 

"Its you you should be thanking" he rests his chin on the Crown of my head and rubs my back.

"I feel like I can win now"

"Yuri I've always known you'll win" more tears fall from my eyes. He believes in me more than I do. That's all i need.

We stay at the kiss and cry hugging for a good while before we part so I can collect my medal and do interviews. It's weird, Victor is only across the hall being interviewed, I can see his Silver hair. But I miss him.

"Katsuki-san tell us about your gold!" The Japanese journalist I've come across many times shoves a mic in my face and waits for my reply.

"This part of my life is the happiest ever. I was in the right head space for my preformances. And as I say every time, I owe my achievement to Victor Nikiforov"

"Seeing that kiss just a few minutes ago suggests to me that you and Nikiforov-sama are intimate. Am I correct?" My eyes find Victor's and he flashes me his signature wink as if he knows what I've just been asked. With a smile, I face the reporter again.

"Yes. Victor and I are partners" my voice is quieter than its usual level but I'm surprised I was even able to get the words out. I think it's Victor that's giving me this new confidence.

All the reporters burst out with questions and I try my best to answer them all with a smile, ignoring the ones that are way too personal. Eventually I'm free of the press but before I can find my coach I'm attacked by another mob. This one is worse. It's the vampire women that are always all over me.

"Yurii" one of the ladies cooes. They aren't at every competition but when they come, they all come. 

"Hello ladies" I put on a fake smile and bow my head to them. Living as i do, I've become a forward thinker. I'm not going to tell them anything rude because I may need them one day. This ladies tend to be important or married to somebody important.

"So you got a gold, we knew you could do it" a British woman gets up close and inspects the medal hanging around my neck as the rest of the women make sounds of agreement.

"Thank you Miss Dilton" I take hold of her shoulders and gently push her back. She was way too close.

"Ohh you remember my name? I feel special! You must like me Yuri!" honestly I wasn't sure if it was her name. I was just hoping I was right. And I do not like her. She's snobbish and clingy.

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