Defying Gravity

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1 month later
Victor Nikiforov

I've collapsed three times over the month that has slowly passed since we found Yuri. The first two were in my own company; it was strange to be so ill, my blood deficiency had never been bad enough to cause me to pass out. There was a sence of statement between my body and I, I had to drag it around everywhere.

Now I'm forced to amble hospital corridors with a blood IV drip on what looks like a coat hanger wheeling behind me. This started last week when I collapsed infront of Jewel and Valentino of all people. Now they won't stop fussing over me. They should be fussing over Yuri,  he's the one that still shows no sign of waking up.

My injured arm which I can now use although it is bandaged reaches for the knob of Yuri's door but stops at the sound of Valentinos voice.

"We need to discuss something Victor" I roll my eyes at the door before looking at him, he's standing at the end of the corridor, in his element, clad in a Dr's coat. 

"Can it wait?" I ask, not wanting my schedule of keeping Yuri company all day to be interrupted.

"We've made a discovery and it could seriously help Yuris situation" My legs start walking toward him even before my brain asks them to.

"Morning" Jewel says optimisticly when we enter a room set up like a meeting room. In the centre is a square table turrounded by six black chairs. I take a seat opposite him and Valentino opts to stand. 

"Right," he starts, clasping his hands together, "we've done extensive testing on Yuri and found that the most likely cause he isn't waking up is that he has a lot of damaged cells, tissue and organs. They're only functional enough to sustain him as he is now." He sighs, "the thing is, the damage is from the UVP'S poison is slowly spreading" when he pauses my breath catches in my throat.

"He's deteriorating?  To what end? How fast?" I blurt, vomiting my panic and fear.

"Yes, slowly. But you see, his body is working against the poison, to repair. However the balance is heavy on the side of the poison. To simplify it, for every two cells his body repairs the UVP poisons three." Valentino explains, every word making my chest tighten.

"How does telling me he's dying 'seriously help' him?" I snap, voice breaking from the pain of it all.

"That's what I'm getting to; we've found a way to get Yuris body to fight better and faster, to fix, say, seven cells for every three that are poisoned"

"Then what are we doing sitting here?" I snap again, hope sparking in the pits of my heart.

"Because you need to know how we'll do it." He breathes to continue, "we can boost his vampire genes by implanting more into his DNA through GM. For that we'll need a vampire donor." I nod enthiusastically, ready to voulenteer, Valentino holds his hand up to me though, "Before you voulenteer Victor I need to explain the risks" I couldn't care less about those but I stay quiet anyway.

"Right, we'll be targeting genes used for regeneration. So if we take some of yours you'll recover slower than you usually would. There's also a possiblility of it affecting strength, speed, stamina and sences but the chance is small" I haven't changed my mind at all. I'm not fazed my superficial issues like those.

"What if I do it?" We both spin our heads Jewels way, he's serious. 

"That could be a lot better...." Valentino taps his chin with his index finger a few times and freezes it's movement to speak again, "because... say Jewel rates a 10 in recuperation and Victor rates a 6; then say we need to take 3 points for Yuri. That'd mean Jewel will be left with a 7 and you will be left with 4. It's safer for you if Jewel did it and even then he won't be under too much risk." He explains,  pointing to me.

"I'll do it" he nods with determination.

"Don't feel obligated"

"I want to. It's the least I could do for Yuri" he smiles at me assuringly. I have a feeling I couldn't change his mind.

"Alright... tell me if you change your mind"

Is there such thing as owing someone too much? Because I think this is it.

"I just need to say one more thing before you sign any papers," Valentinos face changes for the worse, "this will make Yuris vampire side stronger and we don't know what that means for him, it could cause a form of bipolar disorder or alter his behaviour in other ways. What I'm saying is, regardless of how big or small the change is, Yuri won't be the same." His words settle heavily in my mind. But a changed Yuri is better than a dead one.

"Give me the papers"

Valentino nods and detaches a clipboard from a belt loop of his white coat. He seperated the papers, giving one to Jewel and three to me.

"Read them carefully before signing" is all he says before he leaves.

With this, I can defy gravity.

Writers thoughts: there was a time when I thought the most special thing about writing is having people enjoy and interact with your work but ever since I read the Rivals series on ao3 I realise there's something just as special if not more specia...

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Writers thoughts: there was a time when I thought the most special thing about writing is having people enjoy and interact with your work but ever since I read the Rivals series on ao3 I realise there's something just as special if not more special; that's when your writing inspires others to start writing or improve their writing.  Rivals really had an impact on me and I'm already seeing an improvement in the way I'm writing. I hope one day I'll be that impactful and I can inspire people to pick up writing or improve it. That really is special.

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