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I got news people, there's ACTUAL depicted sex in this one (don't expect too much in terms of written quality though)

Victor Nikiforov

Its been five days since we returned to Japan. On the first, Yuri was still completely deflated about what happened with Mila, he didn't leave his room once. It's understandable. Yuri is always so kind, it must have been hard for him to turn Mila away, especially because of how she felt.

But now he's fine. His negative feelings have cleared up just as his cut has.

"Yuri you're back!" I exclaim when I see Yuri sprawled out on the sofa, probably exhausted after hours at the rink.

"I cant move..." He wheezes. I climb onto the sofa and rest my head on Yuri's heaving chest, enjoying his warmth.

"Your birthday is coming Victor, what would you like?"

"Baby all I want for Christmas Is you" A soft blush spreads across his face at my chime.

"Seriously, I'll feel bad if I don't get you anything" What does he want me to say? That I want some mundane item? like a razor or something?

"Why would I want anything If I have everything right here?" Yuri turns even redder when I kiss his hand.

"B- But you have me every day" A smirk creeps across my face at his words; I know what I want now.

"You could do something special for me" I flash an evil grin at my flustered boyfriend before sliding his top up and planting gentle kisses above his waistline. His chest stops moving up and down as his skin burns my lips. I sure hope he's thinking the same thing I am. All the profanities we could do together... that'd really make my birthday one to remember.

Apparently Yuri's phone has other plans.

"Chris? Hi! How are you?" Yuri attempts to push my head away but I ignore him and carry on pressing my lips against his hot skin. This is his punishment. This is what Yuri gets for giving Giacopedophile his attention instead of me.

"I'm ahh good" Yuri's hand flies to his mouth as he listens to Chris. He just couldn't keep that heavy breath from escaping his lips. Perfect.

"Yes" He stares at me with a cross expression and mouths 'stop it'.

Yea, as if.

Yuri relaxes when I move my mouth away from him, only to completely freak out when I let out a really exaggerated moan into his phone.

"Victor!" I hear laughing at the other end of the phone. Although Yuri didn't take the joke lightly, his face is piping hot with embarrassment as he shoves me off of the sofa, leaving me on the floor laughing uncontrollably.

"No Chris. You're not interrupting anything. What did you want to talk about?" He glares at me for a few moments before his eyes open like plates at something Chris has told him.

"What!? Why didn't I know about this!?" I frown at him as he sits straight like a rod, listening attentively to the man on the other line.

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