Road to Master Chapter 1

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Road to Master

Brought to you by, Nightshock5

A/N: Hey guys, welcome to my second fic. I actually am going to try and recreate the Kalos Journey for Ash after the 7th gym. This won't be in ways like the anime and Ash will have a darker and more mysterious personality that is on top of his cheerful and energetic personality. Not only that, this will be like Ash's first journey too.

I want to mention that in this story I am not going to make Calem a bad guy like in the other one. He will actually be pretty cool and even though this is amourshipping he will not get in the way of things... I got his name right this time around as well xD.

I also want to mention that some of the stuff that happens may be similar to the anime and it does not happen necessarily in the xy/xyz series or the same way, but it is only if those things are amazing in the anime.

First chapter and something is already revealed about Ash, keep that in mind. Hint: This Ash has a dark past and had a rough time before becoming a trainer. Also, Ash is not just "Ash Ketchum" himself, we have another character mixed in. Instead of making this like Yu-Gi-Oh as like a Yugi/Atem thing, I decided to just completely merge two characters with Ash being the name and physical appearance... Also Amourshipping is Amourshipping don't think I am shipping Serena with the other character that Ash is merged with as well xD.

Also I would like to thank my beta reader Hunter for helping me start this fic at an amazing note!

Without further ado, let's get right into it!

Disclaimer: There is blood in this fanfic and there will probably be some blood this chapter too.

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or Stronger, so Kanye please don't take down my fic... this is barely the first chapter D:

Chapter 1- Ambush and Deadly Encounter

Team Flare base, unknown location:

"Calem, are you ready to go in?" a raven haired teenager with a Pikachu asked as the group of two teenagers and two pokemon went up to a door that they sneaked to get to.

"Sure am Ash," the teenager that responds to the name Calem said, he had a Chesnaught next to him ready to strike at any moment.

"Alright," the other teenager called Ash said. Ash was wearing a black jacket to avoid getting recognised but he kept his light blue scarf and red cap. "I think we should have brought Tierno and Trevor here though."

(Quickly, if you have not figured out the scarf yet, I will reveal it in the last A/N.)

"I agree, but they are too far away, going to Glorio to be exact, they are still on the road," Calem replied. The two trainers were standing in front of a door. The door had the words "Team Flare" on it. No one was around and the coast was clear. Evidently, something was going on inside.

"What about the girls?" Ash asked. "Will they be safe?"

"They are in Anistar city right now, this morning, I left them together saying that we will meet up with them later... Sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I know how protective you are of Serena," Calem replied making Ash nod in approval. "Let's get this over with so that we do not have to wait any longer. Objective, get the core freed and get out."

"Right! Charmeleon use dragon claw and break through!" Ash exclaimed as he threw a pokeball. A Charmeleon came out of a bright light with something peculiar. This Charmeleon had a harness with a blue stone in the middle that had a double helix DNA-like symbol on it.

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