Road to Master Ch32- Lumiose Conference Must Sees!

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With Hau:

Hau was walking to one of the video phones at the Pokemon center. He had just given Incineroar's pokeball to Nurse Joy following a 3-0 sweep on his opponent. Hau remembered the battle clearly. The guy didn't even stand a chance to even scratch Incineroar. Just as he walked out of the battle though, he remembered seeing Ash look at him with interest from his seat in the stands. Hau was interested in Ash after all. Specially after seeing Sceptile sweep, he felt like returning the favor with Incineroar. Of course Hau succeeded. He would have not thought about it himself.

Hau sat down at one of the video phones to then dial a number… The same number he constantly dialed ever since the beginning of his journey in Kalos.

"Mallow!" Hau shouted as he saw the green haired girl appear in the screen.

"Hau…" Mallow whispered as she looked at Hau's eyes. "I watched your battle, we are all very proud of you." Mallow then blushed slightly after saying that to then turn to Hau and smile. "Kiawe was proud to see Incineroar do so well!"

Hau tried to force a smile, but he couldn't, he just turned to Mallow and said: "Thanks… I did not expect to do that well in the first match." Hau then turned to the green eyed girl and asked, "But how is Lillie?"

Mallow sighed at this and just replied, "Sorry, but no change in her condition… Since the last time you called nothing has changed, but she still needs the surgery."

Hau looked down and sighed, "Alright… Just gotta win then, that is it."

Mallow then looked at Hau as if understanding, but her face turned into a sad one, "Hau, I hate seeing you like this… give me a smile, please."

"Smile?" Hau asked.

"You used to all the time."

"I-I… until Lillie is not fine I won't smile," Hau said with clenched fists.

"Hau, where are you? Gosh dangit you are not the same person I met years ago!" Mallow snapped through the video phone at the verge of tears. "I know that you are not doing something selfish, but it is hurting you more than it helps…" Mallow then clenched her fists. "I can't even recognize you anymore!"

"Mallow, why do you always worry for me? It's Lillie we should worry about, not me!" Hau snapped back.

Hau saw how Mallow banged her fist on the video phone table with frustration, "I… I can't help but worry about you more because I…" Mallow then looked down and with a soft voice said, "I fell for you…"

Hau went wide eyed as he looked at Mallow's lowered head, "W-wait… You actually…"

Mallow looked up with tears streaming down her cheeks and said, "Good luck Hau… I know you can win this for Lillie…" Hau then witnessed as the screen went completely blank because Mallow hung up. Hau was shaking of shock, he could not comprehend what Mallow had just told him.

"Hau! Incineroar is all healed up and ready for tomorrow," Hau turned to see Nurse Joy calling him over. Hau sighed and stood up from the video phone in obvious frustration. As he walkef up to Nurse Joy, his eyes beamed with strength and frustration.

As he walked with clenched fists, the scene flew into Hau's bright eye… It was filled with anger and frustration… It had the burden he carried.

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