Road to Master Ch22- The Rise of Ash-Greninja

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Ash POV... play Pokemon Center song… Slow version:

I was lying in bed staring up at the ceiling with my eyes opened. I looked at every single crevice that was in the roof of the room of the same pokemon center where everything that happened yesterday… Well, happened.

I look over to my side and stare at the clock in the side dresser. 3:46 am. I sigh, I am so excited for the battle I am going to have with Wulfric later on today that I can't sleep. My eyes then focus on something else. Right next to my bed is another bed with a certain honey blonde that helped me overcome my burden yesterday.

I look back up at the ceiling and hug my scarf as I remembered this girl's words from yesterday:

"My father gave up on my mother and me when I was little, I wanted to be able to love someone that I would know would never give up on me… I found that person and he stole my heart… Ash, your father may not love you like mine doesn't love my mother and me... but someone else loves you more than anyone could in many different unexplainable ways…"

As I remembered these lines I flinched as the sting from the cheek from where Serena gave me the painful slap returned. What was Serena's idea in bringing in my burden and telling me she has a similar problem? What did she mean by someone that loves me in many unexplainable ways?

Who is this person that loves me?

Does someone love her that way back?


I stole what? Wait? what did Serena almost say she was?

I am so confused. I grip my scarf and turn around to look at Serena who is sleeping soundly. I look and see how she is in her pink pajamas and how her hair dangles around her face. A scene that I would call… Cute? Well, I am grateful to have a person like her always on my side. You know, now I am excited to see her sapphire oceanic blue eyes again when she wakes up… Wouldn't it be another excuse for me to not sleep?

I roll back on my back and stare at the ceiling again as I remembered the way I fused with Greninja. Once he evolved, we were finally able to feel apart… Like if I can become one with Greninja when I want and not all the time. I mean, when Greninja was Frogadier, it was like if we were the same organism sharing the same pain regardless of everything. Still, now with Greninja, I feel like we can be separated and individual, yet stronger than ever together.

But how ready is he for the league? We will have to see…

I am going to be using Sceptile for a rematch on Beartic, Noivern will play a role but I don't know how. I am seeing good improvement in Noivern's sky attack so I feel like he is prepared for the league…

Now how prepared is Greninja?

Only time will tell tomorrow.

I shut my eyes and roll on my side slightly peeking through my eyes to make sure that Serena was there… Smiling, of course she is smiling. Why am I peeking at her?

Sigh, just let it go.

A/N: Ok guys, here it is… The rematch… I actually have good amount of things planned for you guys now and I am starting to feel confident about how the story will progress.

Also, I may like to inform you guys the reason I made up Aqua Blade. First off, I wanted Greninja to have a move that is not… how do I say it, weak. Cut is basically… idk why the anime decided to not give Greninja night slash, but instead a blue glowing cut. Still, I did not feel like calling it cut when I could call it something better right?

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