Road to Master Chapter 2

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A/N: ok this is the start of the prologue, to understand what happened last chapter, this will give you the answer. The prologue will be a couple of chapters long, but it will skip to right after the events of last chapter after the prologue. Know that the events of last chapter take place after the 7th gym.

Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon

Chapter 2- Journeys Commence

Serena's house:

Grace sighed as she flipped a pancake through her pan. Of course the smell of pancakes resonating through the house was not doing the effect it was and it frustrated Grace. Grace decided she had to use the last resort she commonly used, "Fletchling, could you go wake up Serena for me? Of course she sleeps in more than a teenage boy that stays up till 3:00 am writing fanfics, but it is not healthy for her."

"Fletch fletchling!" Fletching replied and flew up the stairs into Serena's room stealthily through the small crack in the door that lead into a room with a bed and a lot of pink walls. Fletchling then perched itself on top of a bulge in the bed. Fletchling then made his beak glow white and aimed right for the head of this figure, "FletchLING!"

Fletching has used peck on his sleeping beauty to wake her up, though she did not wake up in love, but furious of Fletchling's peck.

"Grrrr... come back here!" the girl screamed in pain as she held her head at the site of the peck. The girl then got up and stared into the eyes of that one menacing robin that just pecked her. She tried to grab fletchling but ended up missing and hitting her head with the side of the bed.

"Fletchling," the bird cried as it flew out the room with a hint of amusement for causing that much trouble with the girl. Of course it was funny for it since Fletchling always had to do it because of this girl's horrible temper. At this point the girl would always decide it was time to get up since the adrenaline that rushes through her from the surprise does not allow her to fall back asleep.

The girl walked up to the window thus opening it. The wind blew perfectly into her long honey blonde hair and dazzling electric blue eyes.

"Morning Rhyhorn!" the girl exclaimed as she greeted her friend in the front yard. "I think something interesting will happen today," She told herself as she pushed her hair back. She knew she was ready to start making a big step in her life... A chance to escape the past.

"Serena! Come down and eat your pancakes! You need to get ready for your day today! It is the start of your journey!" Grace exclaimed from downstairs. At the sound of her mother, the girl turned back to the door and looked through the crack to yell back.

"Coming mom!" the girl now known as Serena yelled back. Of course, this was the first day of her journey and she was ready to get a pokemon from professor Sycamore. She even knew what pokemon she was going to get... Oooh look at her, such a badass! (Like me and Decidueye in Sun and Moon :D)

Serena got dressed in a black top with a pink skirt and on her head she had a nice pink fedora. With that she went downstairs to eat breakfast. She sat down and started to eat her breakfast. Eggs and bacon along with pancakes and syrup. something Serena enjoyed to eat, especially when her mother made it (If you want it in pokemon terminology, Exeggcute and Grumpig)!

"Serena, have you decided what pokemon you are going to get?" Grace asked as she took a sip from her tea and eyeing Serena with amusement. Grace was excited for Serena's journey to start. Grace, being the Rhyhorn racer that she was, started her journey at the same age that Serena did and with that she was able to find her love of racing. She wants the same for Serena and as soon as Serena figured out that her friends were also starting her journeys, Grace encouraged Serena to start hers as well.

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