Road to Master Ch6

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A/N: Wooooo gym battles now! I do want to say that this may not be my best gym battle since I had to fit it inside of probably three gym battles before it.

I also want you guys to note that there is not much distance between these stands and the battlefield and for that reason I did not make it so that there is a break when I shift places.

Other than that...

I hope you guys enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon

Chapter 6- Ash and his Cheesy Tactics

In the morning:

"Battle style... Pikachu, remember how we battled yesterday?" Ash whispered to his electric rodent.

"Pi," Pikachu nodded his head.

"Well I think I will be able to develop my main battle style," Ash replied with a wink. Ash got out of bed, but Serena and Shauna were still asleep. Ash decided to go and get dressed, he was still shaken up by Pikachu last night. With that, Ash went into the closet to change back to his attire, this time with Pikachu alongside him to not cause any more disruptions.

Serena and Shauna then got up, they were both very shaken up, but seemed to forget they had slept with a boy in the same room. "Hey Serena, let's get ready," Shauna said.

"Ok Shauna," Serena replied as both girls got to their underwear... just to pay the price for not remembering about something.

"Hey girls, I think I am ready for my gym battle, we should go meet up with the others s-" Ash started as he and Pikachu froze up looking at Serena and Shauna. "I think I should go back to changing." Ash started walking back to the closet, his face was probably redder than a tomato berry.

Serena and Shauna just stood there, both had intense blushes. "He got lucky this time..." Shauna stated with a red face.

"I hope he liked it... I mean, yea he's lucky we didn't get our hands on him," Serena replied while stuttering of course Shauna noticed her mistake. Why would Serena want Ash to enjoy the eye candy? That was the main question that perplexed Shauna.

"Hmm, seems like you wanted him to see us like this," Shauna taunted with a smirk while coming up behind Serena.

"What?!" Serena replied with a huge blush trying to cover her face.

"Hehe good luck," Shauna replied as the two girls finished dressing up to their usual clothes.

"Can I come back out?" Ash asked through the door.

"Yes!" Shauna replied and then turned to Serena and whispered, "Serena, go get him."

Ash opened the door and sighed. The girls were fully dressed this time. "Wow I thought I would get beat up!" Ash replied as he walked out of the room with his backpack. "But we have a gym battle to have!" The girls did the same and followed.

"Pikapi!" Pikachu said pointing with his tail as the others made it to the lobby of the pokemon center. The other three boys were waiting in the middle of the pokemon center.

"Hey guys!" Ash exclaimed while running up ahead of the girls with a smile.

"Ash! Tell us the details man!" Tierno started as Ash got at close proximity. The girls noticed Ash being interrogated and shared a disgusted glance before going up to go see what they were talking about.

"Yea, what happened, we need to know," Calem agreed with a smile and begging attitude towards Ash.

"Well Calem, it seems Shauna has it in for you, she has a picture of you with a heart and everything in her bag," Ash lied completely making Calem fall for the bait. He just wanted to see if he could figure out why Calem and Shauna were so close... And Ash found out why.

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