Road to Master Ch26- Tree Skipping and a Reunion of Two Hearts!

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"Pichu, come on out!" Serena exclaimed as she took the small electric mouse out of her pokeball. The small mouse had her ears folded over her eyes and then made them go up so that she could see her trainer's blue eyes. The honey blonde performer was in the other side of the forest next to the campsite in which the gang had set up camp. Serena was trying to get to know Pichu a little better as she just caught her. "So Pichu, what was your home like?"

"Pichu?" Pichu looked at Serena with a surprised tone looking at how sweet Serena was being to her. She wanted a trainer to look after her, but in the end, she seemed to be more than just a trainer, she was more like a… friend. Pichu then remembered a very faint memory that dealt with a Pikachu helping her when she was in trouble due to some people in orange suits. "Pi.. Pichu?" Pichu said sadly.

"Huh? Pichu?" Serena asked worryingly as she looked at the pokemon's deep black eyes. She noticed there was some depression in those eyes, it was like Serena had seen someone remembering a tough memory to swallow. "Pichu, I am sorry if I asked something that I shouldn't have." Serena replied while embracing the small mouse.

Pichu then got some confidence and said something to Serena, "Pi pichu pi pichu!" Pichu then released herself from Serena's grip and said in a manly, "Kapi pika pikachu!"

Serena just stared at Pichu with wide eyes, "Did you just talk like if you were a Pikachu?"

Pichu rolled her eyes and made herself look bigger, "Pichu Pi pichu pi!" Pichu explained while finally putting on a small blush in her face as she reenacted something grabbing her hand up from the ground.

Serena then went wide eyed and giggled, "So you met this one Pikachu that you helped and you grew a crush on?" Pichu blushed as she looked at Serena and put her head down with a small smile and slowly nodded. Serena then giggled, "You know, I have a similar experience and I did grow a crush on someone because of that… You know, maybe we are more alike than I thought Kapi."

"Pichu?" Pichu asked as she suddenly heard someone call her… Kapi?

"It sounds cute doesn't it, do you want to be nicknamed Kapi?" Serena asked with a smile and a small blush while kneeling in front of the small mouse. Pichu looked at the ground and smiled back at Serena with a nice smile. "I'm glad!" Serena replied while Pichu… I mean, Kapi, got on Serena's shoulder as Serena let out a couple of pokeballs. "Braixen, Sylveon come on out!:



"Hey guys, I want you guys to meet Kapi!" Serena said with a smile as Kapi got down from her shoulder to meet the fire fox and the ribbon pokemon.

"Pichu PI!" Kapi replied as she looked at the other pokemon with glee. The other two smiled and replied back with welcoming statements as Serena looked at the interactions and smiled at them.

Serena then saw that the three pokemon had well acquainted themselves and decided to take it a step further, "Ok you three, how about we train a little bit!" The other three pokemon then gave out a small battlecry as Serena smiled and signaled for the three pokemon to start. "Ok, braixen use fire blast! Sylveon use moonblast and hit the middle of the fireblast!" Serena then pointed towards Kapi and exclaimed, "Now use thundershock!"

"Brai...XEN!" Braixen grabbed her wand from her tail and exploded a jet of fire with five prongs in the end towards the air which Sylveon added in a colorful beam of light to it. Suddenly, Kapi looked at the combining moves with huge sprinkling eyes as she collected some electricity in her cheeks.

"PI...CHUUUUUU!" Kapi exclaimed as she tried to shoot the electricity at an accurate shot. Suddenly, the electricity missed the exploding combined moves and started to go rampant. Kapi stopped her attack only so see that she had everyone around her covered in soot… Including herself. "Pichu…" Kapi said sadly as Serena came up to the small electric pokemon.

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