Road to Master Ch25- A Crashing Mastery!

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Hunter at an undisclosed location:

“Blaziken! Eevee! redirect your fire at those guys in orange suits!” Hunter shouted as he pointed in the direction of the team Flare grunts that were headed his way. Hunter had to find a way to completely stop the grunts from reaching his objective, so he began to break into a sprint towards the object he was looking a.

When he reached the object, he examined it in great detail. It was a large cage that had three legendary pokemon he recognized as Articuno, Moltres, and Zapdos which were unable to attack because of restraints to the wings.. They were all there completely trapped and desiring to get out. It was as if the organization had been trying to get ahold of these legendaries. Hunter looked for a way to make the cage open so he looked around and noticed that it was best if he used one of the pokemon he had. He reached into his pocked at took out a pokeball and revealed it. “Feraligatr!” the pokemon called out.

Hunter turned to the blue crocodile that came out of the pokeball and said, “use ice fang and break this cage!” Feraligatr looked at the giant cage that was in front of him and he made large blue mandibles. When the mandibles chomped down on the metal bars of the cage, the bars froze over to a degree that Hunter found it possible to break through. “Now, use brick break!”

“GATR!” Feraligatr called out as he made his hand glow white and in a downcut motion hit the bar at the point where it was frozen. The entire bar collapsed without a problem and Hunter was able to get into the cage with Feraligatr.

As he looked at the three pokemon, he noticed the restraints on the wings and instantly turned to the Johto water starter again, “We need to use another brick break and free them!”

Feraligatr once more made the white hand and down cut into the restraints which at first crackled in electricity. The three pokemon noticed the weakening of the restraints and began to struggle to stay free. After some time, the three pokemon were able to make the restraints completely give away and they used a combination of fire blast, thunderbolt, and ice beam to break the cage into a huge hole. Crouching in order to prevent some debris, Hunter and Feraligatr noticed the three legendaries help his Blaziken and Eevee fend off against the grunts who had out their Houndour. The three legendaries easily blew out of proportion the grunts and Hunter without effort came out of the cage with Feraligatr to find the grunts recalling the pokemon and then fleeing.

“Wow…” Hunter said with some awe at the power of the legendaries.



The two pokemon that Hunter originally had came to him with extreme amounts of happiness knowing that they succeeded.

Articuno and Moltres looked down at Hunter and then looked at Zapdos, who seemed to be looking unsure about something. Zapdos then looked at the others and nodded. Articuno and Moltres then took flight and left as Zapdos stayed looking over Hunter. “DOOS!!!” It called out with immense power that it caused the ground to rumble.

“Zapdos…” Hunter said as the legendary pokemon flew down towards him. Hunter stepped back a little alarmed, but then slowly extended his arm to touch the electric bird pokemon. The electric bird took the hand and Hunter made a large realization. “You are trusting me with your power?”

Zapdos stared into Hunter’s eyes and nodded.

Hunter then slowly took out a pokeball, and with the large beak, Zapdos hit the button and got turned to red energy. The pokeball shook mysteriously and then bobbed once before stopping and having a little bit of stars showing up. A critical capture and…

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