Road to Master Ch19- The Legend of the Ninjas. League Training!

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Undisclosed Location (All I know is the song is Nightcore- Phoenix):

"Here he is sir," A very fat man said as he left the room. His Malamar was behind a man, both with glowing eyes. It was something as if the raven haired man that was in front of the large tentacled pokemon seemed brainwashed and under the control of the red haired man that was standing across from him. "Malamar, release him," The larger man said as his Malamar made the eyes of himself and the man stop glowing. At this the man fell to the ground while panting and both the fat man and the Malamar left the room leaving the raven haired man in a red attire to be in front of the red haired man with a black suit and a Pyroar next to him.

"Thank you Xerocic," the red haired man said as the person in front of him stood up with an exhausted look. The red haired man then smirks as he speaks up to the person. "So, Red, your son has gotten stronger," The man with red hair that was petting a Pyroar said in an evil tone.

The man with raven hair looked up into the person that just talked to's eyes. "He is really something, being able to defeat my weakest pokemon truly was an achievement for him," the raven haired man replied sarcastically before turning his attention up and had a venomous voice. "Why did you force me against him... Against my family...?"

"Because it would be nice to allow you to spectate as you do my plans for me... Also, Red, why is it that you did not go so hard on your son, do you want me to force you to use your strongest?" The man with the Pyroar asked with a smirk.

The raven haired man that was called Red looked up and tensed his muscles, "Lysandre! MY name is ASHURA, Red is dead, ever since Charizard... Whatever! I don't need you taking advantage of my loss to then make me your pawn." Ashura looked at the ground with a conflicted tone it was mostly because of the mention of his former name that was setting fire through him.

The man known as Lysandre looked at Ashura with fire in his eyes, "You almost killed your son, shouldn't that help you alleviate your loss?"

Ashura's eyes widened as a huge emotion passed through him remembering what Ash yelled at him in their latest encounter. Ashura then punched the wall with regret and anger while whispering to himself, "Why did you make me do it? Use brain control to make me turn on my family... My wife, my own son! I am through with you!"

Lysandre looked at Ashura with an angry face, Lysandre had wanted Ash dead for years now and the fact that Ashura could not do it for him anymore disgusted Lysandre, "Then what are you of use to me?" Lysandre then stepped beside his Pyroar. The fire feline looked at Ashura while growling next to his trainer. "You are a big tie to me that's dragging me down, strike a match and I will burn you to the ground!" Lysandre said with anger. Lysandre then put his arm out. "Flamethrower! Burn him to the ground!"

"RRRROOOOOAAARRRRR!" Pyroar shouted as he emitted his flame beam from his mouth.

Ashura saw the flames get closer and he knew he had to act, with a swift motion he went to his belt and found the pokeball to the pokemon he would need to use for this situation. Then Ashura threw out his pokeball and screamed, "Aegislash use king's shield!" Aegislash came out of the pokeball with a flashing light in its shield form. Aegislash then put out a hexagonal shield in front of itself and the flames hit the shield and dissipated harmlessly off. When the Pyroar stopped his attack, Aegislash let its shield go down and went back to its trainer's side.

"Was not expecting less from a pokemon master and one of his strongest pokemon," Lysandre smirked while crossing his arms.

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