Road to Master Ch10

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A/N: So yes, last chapter may have just been like a filler to show Ash's pokemon and their current state. Among Ash's team there will be conflict and you can probably guess what it will be. We will touch on that this chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon

Chapter 10- The Birth of the Night Fury!

Pokemon Center Room:


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Ash shrieked in pain. It was morning now and he had gone to sleep wanting to stay up late. Sadly, he knew he had to get up.

"Morning sleepy head!" Serena said with a cheerful voice as she stood above Ash's bed."I made us breakfast!"

"Thanks Serena," Ash replied as he went to the pokemon center lobby to eat with Serena. "So Serena, what is it that you made?"

"See for yourself," Serena smiled as she served Ash a Kanto Omelette. Ash went a little wide eyed at noticing the familiar food, but he decided to leave most of his judging of the food on how well it tasted.

Ash took one bite and instantly fell in love as he turned to the honey blonde, "Serena this is amazing! Since when did you know how to cook dishes from Kanto?" Ash asked as he stuffed his face with food.

"I learned from a cookbook, I am glad you like it!" Serena replied with a happy smile. At the same time she looked away and pumped her fist as she thought: 'Reel him in Serena, you can do it.'

"Are you kidding? I LOVE it!" Ash said as he gulped down the rest of the food faster than a fish can fully gulp one bite of fish food.

'Of course he loves the food, but not the person that made it' Serena sighed as she thought this while finishing her own food.

After the duo finished, they hit the road on road go Glorio City.

"Serena, how much until we reach the next landmark?" Ash asked the honey blonde as he and Pikachu walked at the same pace as Serena. The young performer took out her tablet and searched for the landmark and then she found it, but at the same time she noticed that there was a large obstacle in the way.

"Not too far, we have to go through a large valley with jagged rocks though so it may get a little dangerous," Serena replied with a slight panic in her voice. Unfortunately for the duo, they started to feel some rain drops and then suddenly it began to pour making them have to put their back packs over their heads.

"Argh! We gotta find shelter!" Ash exclaimed with panic as he looked around the route. All he saw was a lot of mountains near the route, but other than that, it was a very clear area.

"Pika!" Pikachu agreed while gathering electricity on his cheeks.

"I think I may have found a cave!" Serena shouted with the tablet as she ran towards a mountain side near the route. Ash followed and sure enough, there was a cave on the side of the mountain.

The duo and Pikachu ran into the cave while panting relieved they got out of the rain, but that was not what threatened the group anymore: it was the cold of being damp. Ash noticed Serena was shaking violently and decided to help the blue eyed girl.

"Here Serena," Ash said as he took out Charmeleon from his pokeball. "Let's stick close to Charmeleon to get warm."

"Thanks Ash," Serena responded as Charmeleon heated up both Ash and Serena. Suddenly, from Ash's side, a lot of flashes of light appeared that startled the two humans in the cave.

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