Road to Master Ch44- Big ears, more like deaf ears...

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Incase you did not read the end of the last chapter:

"Ninja!" Greninja shouted as he landed in front of Hydreigon with a clearly scratched up body. Greninja then fell to his knees and struggled to stay up as he was lit on fire. It was clear that the burn was doing a lot against Greninja, but that would not stop the sinister water type from at least trying.

"Greninja is still burned after that battle with Darmanitan, could it even stand a chance?"

"Greninja use water shuriken!" Ash commanded. Greninja was fast as he quickly made the blue ninja stars and launched them towards Hydreigon. Damian did not even make the dark type avoid the attack as it hit Hydreigon to get consumed in a small explosion. "Now go in with aerial ace!"

"Use dragon rush!"

Both pokemon charged up their attack and charged at each other. The scene circled around the frog ninja pokemon with white limbs to then see the dragon pokemon with a blue aura charging each other in between a large area of deforestation. The two pokemon collided in what seemed to be a stalemate, Greninja standing his ground well despite having a weaker move. Both trainers gritted their teeth knowing that this could end a stalemate, and it did as the center of the field erupted into an explosion of smoke and cut down tree debris.

"What an intense explosion, what could have possibly happened?"

"Dreigon..." Hydreigon grunted as he fell to the ground to then get back up in front of Greninja, who was still standing.

Greninja was shown for a moment standing fine, but then a fire consumed Greninja which caused him to wince a little, but still stay standing. "Nin..." Greninja's body then went limp and fell on its side to hit his head against the ground with swirly eyes.

Rob did not even waste a second to call out the defeat: "And Greninja is unable to battle, Hydreigon wins!"

"And Hydreigon has gotten Damian back on track! Amazing performance by the dragon type!"

"Greninja are you alright?" Ash shouted as he and Pikachu ran out from the trainer's platform to check on the water type.

"Ninja..." Greninja apologized as Ash held onto him with his hand around the ninja's shoulder.

"Don't apologize," Ash said with a smile as he looked at Greninja's eyes. "We will have our chance to show everyone who we are together, but I need to win this battle with someone else." Ash then gave a toothy grin, "You were awesome out there against Darmanitan too!"

"Pika!" Pikachu agreed reassuringly towards the water and dark type.

"Ninja," Greninja smiled under his scarf as Ash recalled him back into his pokeball. Ash and Pikachu then walked back into the trainer's platform only to hear things that he had been dreading to hear the whole battle.

"Pathetic as always," Damian said as he looked back up towards Ash. "I was able to take back the ground I lost with one pokemon, and I plan to take the lead with him."

Ash narrowed his eyes noticing that Pikachu was looking at him with a very worried look. The raven haired trainer ignored Damian as he reached into his belt. He felt the same particular pokeball shivering with a little more power now, but Ash instead of choosing that one went for the one right next to it. Ash then showed that pokeball in front of his face and launched it into the field: "Goodra, I choose you!"

"GOOOOOOOOO!" Goodra shouted as he appeared in the middle of the debris with a determined look. "GOODRA!"

"And Ash decides to go with Goodra next! This may as well be what gives Ash the lead into the next portion of the battle, but it is definitely going to be a tough battle of pseudo legendary pokemon!"

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