Road to Master Ch30- Lonely Girl, hopeful future!

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Ok guys, so EliteKing made me do a tag thing where I have to say 5 facts about myself, so here it is:

1) My IRL name is Brian, and in case you have not noticed, I am a MC player (I mostly play PVP, anyone wanna 1v1 just PM me)

2) I am very interested in the medical field and am going to the University of Texas at Dallas next year, I am going to get a Pre-Med and after that go towards Medical School!

3) My favorite Pokegirl has to be Serena, although I really like the other ones as well!

4) Jolteon is my favorite Pokemon, and my favorite starter design wise has to be Decidueye (shiny form). I like the black and blue color scheme while I also feel like the nerdy look of it suits me (Also he resembled my favorite YouTuber Huahwi, accurate archer with glasses, he plays Minecraft xD)

5) I am fluent in English, Spanish, and I have taken 4 years of French in High School. So yea... GO EAGLES!

Anyways, there are the facts, maybe you learned a little more about me :)!

So, for people I want to tag, I don't really know anyone else to tag, so if you want to take yourself go right on ahead! Other than that, can I say I tag the same people that EliteKing did? Oh, is that against the rules? Well f*** the rules, ain't nobody got f***ing time for that!

Alright, enough said LOL!

Enjoy the chapter!


With Damian at the Trainer's Village:

It was late at night, but people were still walking down the concrete walkways of the trainer's village. It was a large complex, but the stadium was closed for the day, it was probably in order to make sure that no one would go inside before the league began the next day. Anyways, Damian found himself going behind the stadium in a remote area where no one was. It was a dark alley way that the back of the stadium made with the other other side of one of the buildings. Damian looked at it and it was probably the pokemon center since there was a red pokeball on top which was common in most pokeballs. Damian looked down at his watch and through to himself, "Hey... Come on... where are they?"

"Damian?" Damian spun around to see a familiar face. It was actually the very same face that Damian knew from the last battle he had with Ash. The boy was one of Damian's closest goons, but the fact was that he was also registered to be one of the referees of the league. Damian knew he would want to take advantage of that, so he made sure he called him down.

"Rob... Dude, why did you take so long?" Damian asked the guy as he came closer.

"I was trying to find Nero, but I don't know where-"

"I'm here..." A boy said as he showed up behind Damian with crossed arms. The duo turned around to see who was talking to be met with a guy with a silver and red jacket. His undershirt was colored a dark bloody red and his hair was silver. The boy also had demonic red eyes as he bobbed a pokeball on his hand. "I had to get a pokeball from one of my associates over yonder in Castelia City."

"Unova?" Rob asked in shock as he looked at Nero.

Nero nodded, "Ye, Unova..." Nero then turned to Damian and said, "Some guy hooked me up with a pretty powerful Braviary. I am going to use him to get us to the top." Nero then looked at Rob and replied, "But you will help us get there I suppose..."

Rob nodded and looked at the two, "Yea, I am going to be allowing the use of illegal moves from your part, but we have to conceal it so that we don't get caught."

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