Road to Master Ch5

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A/N: We are now on the road! Ash has gotten his first two pokemon and is now traveling to Santalune City!

So... I know you guys are asking yourself if Ash will be having his Kalos Team. Well I can only answer is that he will have half of his Kalos team. In fact, he already has two of the three, Pikachu and Froakie. The last one of the three, you can guess. Also one of Ash's pokemon is hinted here, pay close attention to the foreshadow.

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon

Chapter 5- Santalune City and Crazy Night (no this will not be crazy crazy)

Route going towards Santalune City:

Ash and Pikachu were walking onwards towards the city, they would hit it in no time if they kept up the pace. "Pikachu, what do you think about battling?" Ash asked curiously to his partner on his shoulder. Ash was interested in battling, but he never knew if Pikachu was on board with the idea.

"Pika!" Pikachu exclaimed excitedly. Pikachu loved to battle unlike most small pokemon. After training with Ash before even becoming a trainer, Pikachu had learned to be incredibly strong... Also, this gave Ash a good amount of experience without even knowing much about battles in the first place, he just is that creative.

Suddenly, a young boy that looked like he was twelve and had a green shirt along with a net stepped in front of Ash and Pikachu. With that. The boy looked at Ash and smirked, "Hey, I'm John, i see you are a trainer... Battle me then!"


"Come on out Weedle!" John exclaimed while throwing a pokeball from his belt. The pokeball opened and from it came the small brown caterpillar pokemon. Ash could not believe it, he was getting into his first official battle.

"Froakie I choose you!" Ash shouted throwing out a pokeball from his belt. The pokeball materialized into the small blue frog that Ash had just captured.

"Fro!" Froakie shouted ready to battle and standing in the ground with determination in his eyes as he looked at his opponent.

Battle Music Begin! Ash (Froakie) vs John (Weedle):

"Froakie start things off with bubble!" Ash commanded as he put his arm out on instinct as he wanted to feel like he was part of the action. Frankie retracted his head and from it came a barrage of blue bubbles that headed towards the Weedle. John saw the attack coming and had to be careful as the attack looked very powerful and he wanted to prevent getting hit with a terribly powerful attack.

"Weedle quick use string shot!" John shouted with a fist pump. Weedle got his mouth out and aimed at the bubble while secreting a string that was very sticky. String shot then was able to overpower bubble and the string shot headed right for Froakie who had wide eyes in confusion as to what to do.

"Dodge it quick!" Ash exclaimed as he saw the incoming string shot. From experience out in forests, Ash knows that string shot can be used numerous different ways to render an opponent unable to respond to the battle correctly and thus not able to win.

"Fro!" Froakie exclaimed as he regained his composure by Ash's words and jumped out of the way as the string shot missed and fell in front of Ash and Pikachu at a harmless difference.

"Great, let's use the same strategy use your frubbles!" Ash exclaimed as he raised his hand and then formed a fist which he pumped with all of power. Froakie then reached into his mane and pulled out some frubbles while throwing them at Weedle. The frubbles did not miss and actually immobilized Weedle like if string shot would have worked. "Now use bubble!" Ash exclaimed as he put his hand out and pumping his other fist. Froakie unleashed the bubbles and then made them collide with Needle's body which terminated in a small explosion.

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