Road to Master Ch12

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A/N: Masterclass is starting this chapter. This will be an interesting chapter as Ash gets noticed. By this I mean, by the region. Even though Ash had jumped from Prism Tower, no one would have been expecting what happened recently.

Also, we get introduced to Paula. The female version of Paul (get it). She is not Ash's rival though. She gives Serena a hard time not only as a performer, but also as a love rival. Paula is also known to have a bad temper and be rude to Serena. This will be a great debut for her to prove how Serena and Paula get along.

AmourshippinngCanon gets credit for the plot twist idea :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon

Chapter 12- Are you Sure He answered correctly?

Exiting a pokemon center the next day:

"Serena wait for me!" Ash shouted completely out of breath. He was trying to run up to Serena with a bunch of food in his hands while also trying not to stain his precious scarf.

"We have to hurry up and get to the lobby of the auditorium as soon as possible!" Serena said urgently. "Registration ends soon and I have to get ready for the beginning of the masterclass!" The duo and Pikachu was running through Glorio City passing streets, people, and buildings while also ignoring the beautiful landscape of the city. They were urgent to get to the showcase as it was starting soon.

At the showcase:

"Man, where is Serena and Ash?" Tierno asked as he sat on a couch in the lobby. The lobby was very bright with sky lights and there was also a lot of couches to sit at. Tierno was with Trevor and Calem while Shauna was registering.

"I think they are getting here, let's hope they do," Trevor said with a slightly panicked voice. Suddenly, the door burst open with a large bang turning heads in the direction of the doorway.

"Speaking of the devil, there they are now!" Calem started as he stood up from his seat recognizing the raven haired trainer and honey blonde performer. "Ash, Serena!"

Ash and Serena noticed the trio and walked up to them. "Hey guys," Ash wheezed with an out of breath voice.

"Sup!" All three boys replied in unison making them all chuckle at being able to think of the same greeting.

Trevor then spoke up with eyes widened as he remembered a crucial fact, "Serena get to registration! Shauna is already doing it!"

"I agree Serena, go now I still have to eat," Ash replied looking at the food in his hands as he sat down next to Calem with his mouth watering.

"Pikapi!" Pikachu agreed as he took a ketchup packet from Ash and cracked it open to expose the tomato contents that made the electric mouse crave.

"Alright I will see you guys later!" Serena stated with a slight chuckle while shifting her gaze out of Pikachu as she left for the desk to meet up with Shauna and register for the contest of her lifetime. Ash watched her walk off and disappear behind the counter before turning back to his food. He then started gobbling down the food whole which made the others nervous.

"How hungry are you Ash?" Tierno asked with a shocked expressions as he looked at Ash. He had to admit, he had never expected Ash to look this hungry in his life, and here he was gobbling down what seemed to be a large sandwich that he must have bought on the way to the auditorium.

"Extremely, I overslept this morning and Serena had to use Pikachu to wake me up with thunderbolt," Ash said sheepishly as he scratched the back of his head and then continued to look back down and eat his food.

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