Road to Master Ch7

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A/N: Let's continue our prologue: It seems that Ash and Serena are going to travel together to Lumiose, but along the way, the duo may run into surprises.

This is based off an anime episode, but I made my own alterations, obviously Serena is there instead of Brock and Misty and they are in Kalos, not Kanto.

Also, I got so many guesses in the egg's pokemon. For any of you guys that said Charmander... Well this chapter will prove you wrong, and the next will eliminate those who said Treecko (RIP lmao!). I am very surprised no one had guessed the egg despite there being a reference to the pokemon inside of it the first chapter LOL (actually, someone did...)! You will officially meet the pokemon inside the egg after the prologue... And yes, I did buff Ash's pokemon later on so don't think they can't take on legendaries or other pokemon that should out perform them. The pokemon in the egg is REALLY buffed in the moveset also, so be hype for that one!

Hope you guys enjoy! And thanks again for 50!

Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon

Chapter 7- Dreams and Abandoned

On route back to Lumiose City:

After Ash and Serena parted ways with their other friends, the duo started walking towards Lumiose from where they came from. It was a nice route that had a beautiful pathway and a good amount of sunlight coming from the sky even though at this time, the sun was actually setting. It truly was a great day, and Serena was more than just happy because she was traveling with Ash. She, in fact, had wanted to finally tell Ash what she thought that her dream would be because ever since she traveled with Shaune, she had gotten some inspiration.

After some time walking, the duo spotted a pokemon floating around looking for some nectar in flowers, "Look a flabebe! It's so cute!" Serena exclaimed.

"Why don't you catch it?" Ash asked with a genuine voice.

"Are you sure I can do it?" Serena asked completely unsure in her confidence. She knew that she would probably want to try and catch it, but the fact that it would be her first catch was getting to her.

"Sure you can!" Ash replied with an encouraging smile. "Remember our catch phrase 'Never give up until it is over!'" Serena blushed a little at this one comment because it truly was a different Ash than the one she had reunited with back in Lumiose City and she was glad that Ash had finally been acting like when they first met in Pallet Town.

'Serena, just tell him that you like him' Serena thought. 'say what you want to say, and let the words fall out. I wanna see you be brave Serena!'

"You're right Ash, I guess that is the reason why I... I have to thank you for being a great friend!" Serena replied. 'FFS SERENA YOU JUST QUOTED A SONG THAT YOU LOVE!'

"Let's go Fennekin!" Serena shouted while plucking her only pokeball in her belt. The pokeball then opened up and from it came a flashing materializing orange fox that stood its ground for battle. Serena saw that Fennekin was ready and decided to go for the attack.. "Ember!"

"Fenne...KIN!" Fennekin shouted unleashing the small burst flames. The Flabebe noticed this and as she saw the flames, she returned an attack. The result ended with the flames being knocked back by a pink wind. Obviously Ash knew it was fairy wind from having some experience with some pokemon, but the fact that Serena had never even been involved in a battle meant that Serena did not know many of the moves that can be used.

"Fairy wind, be careful," Ash warned with a careful voice. Serena nodded at this, but she knew that she would need to attempt something different if she were to actually capture the flower pokemon.

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