Road to Master Ch42- Taking A Stand!

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At the alley way:

Damian was standing there with his arms crossed waiting for someone as he looked up at the night sky over him. It was something that he was not expecting as he looked onto the side of the alley seeing a person with a cloaked owl like pokemon and a Jolteon standing at the other side. "Up to no good once again?" The other teenager asked as he began to walk towards Damian.

Damian grabbed a pokeball from him belt with slight intimidation as he watched the person approach him, "Step back, or I will use my force against you," Damian hissed with a clearly menacing voice that was trying to make the teenager feel threatened as he threw the pokeball in front of him.

The pokeball flashed light as it summoned a large dark and dragon type with three heads that resembled a hydra. The boy did not flinch as the large dragon made his battle cry which echoed through the alley and could be heard throughout the entire hexagonal stadium area. "DREIGON!" Hydreigon cried as he charged up a dragon shaped beam and launched it towards the other boy with the shape of a dragon threatening to engulf the trio ahead of Damian.

"Decidueye slay the dragon with spirit shackle!" The boy in a blue attire called out as he put his arm out. Damian could barely react as he witnessed the hooded owl launch a purple arrow from his vines towards the dragon and cause an explosion which made Damian flinch as the smoke covered him. Damian then looked on in shock as he intimidatingly recalled Hydreigon back to its pokeball.

"What was that all about?" Damian asked as he put the pokeball back in his belt only to look up and see a bolt of dark blue lightning tear across the sky with a large crackle of thunder which made Damian look up with narrowed eyes.

"Damian?" Damian turned around to see Rob walking towards him with a confused look on his face. "I heard the explosion, what happened?"

"Some guy," Damian said with a smirk as he looked onto Rob. "You have the things I ordered, right?"

"Yes," Rob responded as he reached into his pocket and pulled out two stones. It was a blue stone with a DNA symbol on it along with a small stone that Damian reached for and put it on his pocket. Rob smirked as he then handed the blue stone towards Damian, the latter smiling even brighter. "You will beat that pipsqueak like always, right Damian?"

"Of course," Damian said as he turned his back on Rob and began to walk away. "With you being the referee, there is no way that I will lose." At this Damian disappeared into the darkness of the night in front of him while Rob turned and began to walk the other way.

Rob smirked a little as he remembered the plan: Allow illegal attacks against Ash.

It was simple, Rob knew very well what Damian's team was, he knew that Damian would want the advantage in order to win the battle. For that, the two had planned to know beforehand which battlefields were to be used for the battle. Rob walked down towards the side of the stadium, looked both ways, and noticed the entrance to the stadium. Looking both ways and noticing the coast was clear, Rob snuck himself into the hexagonal event center.

"OK, now where is it?" Rob asked as he walked through the hexagonal hallways of the stadium. There, Rob walked deeper and deeper into the heart of darkness of the dimly lit stadium hallways to find an obscure door leading towards the controls for the battlefields. "Bingo!"

Rob walked in to find the controls completely lacking security. With that, he looked on to see a carousel of battlefields on a track. Looking up the carousel, he noticed that the arena where both dugouts would be joined by a battlefield.

Right now, it was set to an ice battlefield, meaning that the first match of the quarter finals would be using the ice field for the first half. Rob took his time to walk around the tracks and counting the battlefields that were in order until he reached the fifth and sixth. "Damian will have the third match, this means that the fifth and sixth will be the battlefields for the match."

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