Road to Master Ch17

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Glorio City:

"So Shauna, what are your plans?" Serena asks her friend towards the beginning of the route to Snowbelle. Serena had just asked the question since she was going to Snowbelle to see Ash's gym battle.

Shauna turned to Serena, the brunette just smiled at the honey blond, "Actually I am going to go see the others at Lumiose, they are training for the league and I want to make sure that they can be top notch for the league!" Shauna exclaimed happily while the duo walked through the route and ended in a fork in the road.

Serena looked at the sign and smiled at Shauna, "Well, Calem is in that direction." Serena giggled as she pointed to the left fork. Shauna blushed a little, bit smirked back.

"Ash is that way, better catch up to him before he does something reckless again," Shauna smiled. Serena could not help but blush a little at what was said. Serena then started walking through the left side of the fork and Serena took the right. "See you soon!" Shauna shouted.

"You too Shauna!" Serena exclaimed back as Serena walked into the right side of the fork. She was prepared to watch Ash win his last badge, all Ash had to do was win and that would be it.

"Talon...FLAMEEEE!" A large squeak was heard from above attracting attention. The majestic fire bird blended in with the clouds and sun and Serena noticed it was Calem's Talonflame. Of course it was Calem's he loves to ride that thing. Serena though, she knew that Talonflame did not compete with Ash's Charizard.

Serena smirked and kept on walking, she would expect to make it to Snowbelle soon, maybe in time to see Ash battle.

A/N: How do you guys like it if I start the story and then go to the A/N? Does it seem a little like commercials because I can stop if you want xD. Anyways I am enjoying myself with writing this fic atm. I don't know how much of you are loving it, but if you made it this far, then you probably do!

Anyways, I am trying to improve my battles so from now on you can expect more mature battles like the one that I made last time (But you will need to wait a little more until you can see the really awesome chapters!)

It took me a while and an entire tournament to get me this far in making a successful battle in a fanfiction. The good thing is that I figured it out before episode 35 of The Fallen Trainer and so you can expect an even better tournament here battle wise for the pokemon league... Heck, I have most of the battles planned out already lol!

Anyways I hope you enjoy this battle, it is another important part of the story in Ash and Frogadier! I know, I know: "Nightshock, what about Sceptile, Noivern, Charizard, we have not seen them battle in a while!? and STIKEN GOODRA?! HE HAS NEVER BEEN SHOWN BATTLING!"

My response: "Dude, chill, these guys will have their episodes dedicated to them... I just want to make Frogadier and Ash the bond that needs to happen first... Later, we will get to see Ash's entire team as a whole and develop more of each pokemon."

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon

Chapter 17- A Battle of all Champions!

Ash POV:

I walk through the route. I have forest surrounding my right as well as a nice meadow on my left... The perfect place to train! I look over at my electric mouse and he smiled at me a so I made my way over to the open area. Then, I reach to my belt and take out two pokeballs. I swing my hand around as I let go of the pokeball and out comes my soundwave dragon and my fire dragon.

"Gruaw!" Charizard roars at me.

"Vern!" Noivern looks at me.

I look at the two pokemon and smirk, "Noivern, you have gotten a lot stronger, but I want to work on your endurance, ever since you evolved you could hit hard, but not take as much, that is why in every head on collision we had, you always lose or tie."

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