Road to Master Ch16

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Ash POV:

I see myself walking over to a girl with her back turned towards me. Who is this girl? Why is she so familiar. I have camp set up and this girl and me are right next to the river. I find it odd because I set up camp here last night...Is this real?

She turns around at me with a surprised look on her face. I instantly recognize her short honey blonde hair and blue eyes. Serena.

"Hey Ash, you're up, go wash up, hungry?" Serena asks me with a smile. I don't stop walking to her to a point that I am too close to her. Suddenly, my body collapses right into her arms. I freak out as to why I am doing this, but she is the one that gets a huge blush in her face, why is she blushing? "A-Ash? Are y-you a-alright?" she asks me.

I look up and open my mouth and what comes out surprises me, "Now's our chance... now, now..." She keeps looking at me with a strong blush and then I keep talking. "Serena... I..."

"I... what?"

"I..." I continue with all my strength. What was I going to say? Why am I feeling so weird.

Suddenly, I am surprised to see the scene change in front of me into a snowy cliff. The bottom collapses. "CRASH!" I see the snow falling down from where I am relieved that I did not fall, but then I notice something spine breaking.

"Aaaasssshhhh!" I hear a feminine scream falling which I instantly recognize as Serena.

"SERENA!" I shout back in urgency. I see her start to reach the halfway mark of the cliff and I see my vision changing and energy surging through me.

...I want to save her...


Instantly, my vision changes its perspective a little to the right and I jump after Serena... I notice it is not me physically that jumped, but someone else. As I fall and feel the G force I am slowly gaining on the falling teenager and I stretch out my arms to grab her only to flinch that my hands were blue and webbed. As I reach Serena I see my webbed limbs begin to glow white. This white light blinds my vision and then...

"(Pant, pant pant)," I keep panting as I instantly sat up in horror inside my sleeping bag. I am sweating and I notice Pikachu woke up just when I sat up by force.

"Pikapi?" Pikachu asks me in worry. I look at my electric mouse friend and scratch behind his ear letting him know I was ok. "Chaaa..." Pikachu cooed and I smile. I look outside and notice that it is still dark so I fall back into slumber once Pikachu fell asleep.

What is the meaning of this dream?

A/N: I was only going to put the second part of the dream, but the amourshipping xD... I am sorry but I had to atleast have Ash fall on Serena like that. Other than that, I am trying to make this Snowbelle traveling very symbolic for Frogadier and Ash. Also, did you catch the hint and what I am going for? If you are surprised that Frogadier has not evolved yet and is having these powers as Frogadier, then you can see what my goal is up there. Don't worry it is a spoiler, but it is a good idea I want to try.

Also, as for the others, this chapter will focus more on someone other than, Ash so make sure that you enjoy as next chapter Ash is part of a symbolic battle.

Without further ado, let's get back into the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon

Chapter 16- Calem vs Wulfric, a megamazing battle!

With Calem walking into the Snowbelle Gym:

Calem walked into the Snowbelle gym which was very warm from the outside cold weather in the lobby. Instantly, Calem felt welcomed. Calem wanted to make the most out of this battle and win it right off so he could go straight to the pokemon league. Calem had his team ready and he was going to make sure that he could give it his all. Calem kept walking until he saw a pair of double doors and a monitor on top.

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