Road to Master Ch11

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A/N: We left off with Charizard evolving after a crisis with team flare. Obviously, Ash and Serena fled the scene before more trouble became a problem for them. We also learned how Frogadier is very upset by not feeling that he is as strong as he can be, and he has every right to be upset. Just so you know this will play in an important role later.

Also, knowing this is Ash that is also taking in the role as Alain, this will be probably very interesting.

Also, Serena is taking the role of Mairin in this (yes she does not have a Chespin, but just wait and see.)

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon

Chapter 11- Dragon Rivals

The next morning at the Pokemon Center:

"Ash, we can make it today if we hurry!" Serena exclaimed in happiness.

"Yea," Ash then looked at his shoulder. "Ready Pikachu?"

"Pika!" Pikachu squealed on Ash's shoulder. Everyone was ready for the master class. Serena was preparing her routine earlier that morning. Ash was also training for his next gym battle. Frogadier had some amazing performance among Ash's pokemon, he was able to spar against Sceptile and Charizard and skillfully be toe to toe with them both.

"I think Frogadier is a lot happier today," Ash told Serena. "He has been performing with amazing power in battles lately!"

"I know Ash!" Serena said. "I think I also learned about a cool new idea for a move I could use in the showcase!"

"Awesome!" Ash replied while putting on his backpack. Both trainers left the pokemon center with enthusiasm. Pikachu was riding on Ash's shoulder enjoying the view. "I hope we can meet some strong trainers on the way Serena!"

"I hope so too, so that you can win that last gym battle," Serena winked.

"Hehe, I know Serena... By the way, why is it that Popplio does not appear in my pokedex?" Ash asked his companion as the duo walked through a dirt road in between trees. It was evident that they would eventually come across a landmark that would point them to Glorio City.

"Actually, Popplio is a starter from Alola, so that means the Pokedex would need to update in order for Popplio to appear," Serena explained.

"Alola, that is another region right?" Ash asked. Serena nodded her head. Ash grew psyched by all of the pokemon that could appear in Alola.

After a few hours of walking, Ash and Serena came across a large field. It had an open clearing and obviously was a great place to take a break.

"Serena, let's take a break here!" Ash exclaimed as he sat on a rock.

"I agree," Serena said as she opened up her backpack to get out a comb. She then revealed her Sylveon and started to comb it. "Sylveon, how are you feeling today?"

"Veon!" Sylveon replied with a smile.

"I'm glad," Serena smiled. Ash looked at her with happiness. He watched as Serena cared so much for her pokemon and was impressed.

"Serena, are you scared for the masterclass?" Ash asked.

"I... maybe a bit, I mean I will have many rivals there... Like Shauna and in the end I would have to battle Aria for the title. I don't know if I can win, but I won't give up!" Serena declared with confidence.

"Hehe, you look fired up," Ash responded. Ash and Serena then had a little snack. Ash had a berry while Serena ate a macaron she prepared.

"Ash, you want a macaron?" Serena asked sweetly.

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