Road to Master Ch14

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Pierre was alone on stage addressing the masterclass, "And we have our final five performers! Which one will challenge Aria?"

The crowd roared.

"Ze Masterclass freestyle is about to begin!" Pierre added.

A/N: Hey guys, this is the finale of the Masterclass Showcase. Despite Ash's outburst last time, he knows he should not have snapped at Serena when she was just trying to help.

Also, just keep in mind that the performances are kind off short xD. I am better at writing battles so it is a new thing for me to write performances, but since I like torturing my favorite characters in this story, I hope I meet the expectations of a good emotional perspective.

How will Ash fix things? How will things end? Stay tuned!

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon

Chapter 14- Masterclass Victory! Serena's Greatest Decisive Performance!

Ash POV at the top of the stands with Pikachu:

I look at the rodent in my shoulder and he looks at me with a smile. "Pikachu, why did I snap at her?" I ask my friend.

"Pika pi pikachu," Pikachu told me while looking over at the stage.

I looked over to the stage and noticed the five performers that were involved in the finals of the masterclass. One of them was the one I was rooting for the most... Obviously Serena, but her competition was stiff. I look at the names and pictures of the performers.

One was Shauna, she was a big rival of Serena, but also her best friend. I have a feeling that Serena can win with confidence if she puts everything into it.

The second performer was a brunette girl, in the picture she was depicted as having a green bandana on her head. Still, she had a white dress during the masterclass. She was a top coordinator from Hoenn called May. She intimidated me a little bit as she was able to easily win her battle in the second round and had won the grand festival in Hoenn.

Same thing with the fourth performer. She knew May very well, but had blue hair. She was Dawn, another top coordinator that was from Sinnoh this time. She was also a large threat since she had won the grand festival in Sinnoh.

Likewise, the last girl had a weird earring which I detected as being a keystone. She had blond hair and was very tall. Her name was Astrid and she had gone through the second round through mega evolution. I do think Serena can beat her, but we will have to see. Now that I think about it, I think I battles against Astrid once, but Sceptile, back then a Grovyle, actually lost against her mega Absol... Now I want a rematch...


"This will be a close one," Tierno said calmly. "I have a feeling either Serena or Shauna will make us proud."

Calem looked at Tierno with enthusiasm, but simply added, "I know right? But Shauna will totally win!"

"Haha, if Ash was here to hear that," Trevor laughed. "He would flip out on you at that point!"

Grace attentively listened as she tried to comprehend why Ash would be nervous if Calem claimed that Shauna would win. The only conclusion Grace had was that Ash was supporting Serena, but the fact that Ash would only support Serena that way and by what he said before, Grace saw Ash differently that most boys.

The crowd roared throughout the stands as the performers stepped out into the stage. Everyone was getting prepared for the next moment.


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