Road to Master Ch23- I won't smile until I can see her safe again!

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Pokemon Center at Snowbelle City:

Ash, Serena, Clemont, Bonnie and Brock all had their backpacks ready to go and they were in front of the door of the Pokemon Center.

"Ready?" Brock asked with glee as he went up to the door to open it. The others nodded as they were going to follow him out the door.

Suddenly, something caught Ash's eye causing everyone to look back at what Ash was focusing on. Ash's eyes were glued to the television set on the wall of the Pokemon Center. It announced the Kalos League. A feminine voice then narrated over a picture of a hexagonal stadium that had a circle in the middle that lead to a dark abyss which had two paths leading to it and what looked like a large trainer box. There was three stories of seats that looked like they could harbor around a quarter million people and it looked like there was a village around the stadium where Ash assumed the participants and fans stayed. "The Kalos League will be starting real soon! After the trainers attempt to defeat the victory road, we will be left with the perfect amount of trainers to start the tournament!" The feminine voice called out.

 "The Kalos League will be starting real soon! After the trainers attempt to defeat the victory road, we will be left with the perfect amount of trainers to start the tournament!" The feminine voice called out

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"The League stadium looks amazing," Ash said turning to Clemont who had a bright smile looking at the television. Ash then looked at Pikachu, "Pikachu are you ready to win it?"

"Pika Pikachu!" Pikachu shouted while pumping a small yellow fist and gathering electricity on his cheeks thus making Ash smile.

Clemont scratched the back of his head sheepishly and pointed to the picture, "The actual design of the stadium was designed by me." Brock, Serena, Bonnie, Ash and Pikachu looked at Clemont with a surprised look. Clemont then turned to Ash and continued explaining, "I developed the programing software for the random battlefields and I also made it so that the scoreboard had a nice design while displaying the pokemon." Clemont and then smiled, "And the fact that I also made the idea of making it hexagonal is so that everyone can have a great view of the battle."

Brock then put a hand on his chin as he thought about something. Then, the television roared again, "The Kalos League will begin with the Victory Road challenge which was recently constructed in Lumiose City..." A cave is shown that depicts a mountain that leads up to the stadium and village that houses the actual Lumiose Conference. "The Victory Road will begin at Prism Tower in a few days! Hope to see challengers there!"

With that, the television screen went black as Ash had shining eyes. Ash then turned to everyone, "I am ready for the league! Who is ready to cheer us on?!"


"I am!" Everyone else shouted while putting a fist in the air.

"Then let's go!" Ash shouted being the first one out the door and into the snowy weather of Snowbelle City. Ash the picked up the pace and with Pikachu on his shoulders, he began to run towards the route that leads back to Lumiose.

"WAIT FOR ME!" Serena exclaimed with a pink tint in her cheeks as she ran after her crush. Brock and Bonnie followed behind also running to catch up with the raven haired teenager.

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