Road to Master Chapter 3

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A/N: Alright this chapter will be awesome! (I hope!) Ash is trying to stall the others, specially Calem, but Serena has other plans. When disaster breaks how will things go down?

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon

Chapter 3- Lumiose Chaos

Professor Sycamore's lab:

The gang and Ash were guided down the hallways of the lab. Ash then saw something that caught his eye. "Froakie..." Ash said as he stared through the window of the ER looking at Froakie. Froakie was on a bed that had a glass covering. Inside, Froakie was being monitored by Sophie as the electrocardiogram gave Sophie readings on Froakie's condition. It seemed like if Froakie was attacked by something before Ash caught sight of him at the rooftops of Lumiose City.

"Pikapi," Pikachu said with a hint of sorrow. Ash looked at Pikachu and also frowned. Pikachu also cared for the aquatic frog and it was obvious that they both hoped he would make a full recovery.

"Froakie will be fine, Sophie will take care of him and he will be out in no time!" Sycamore assured to which everyone else was dumbfounded. This was a thief legitimately showing signs of worry to a Pokemon. It did give Serena a hint of sorrow to see Ash in such a terrible condition, but it was as if she knew Ash had not changed deep inside.

The group then walked out of the lab and into a large glass dome which had an ecosystem like feel to it as there was grass, trees, streams, and even berry shrubs. The group then saw a lot of Pokemon playing and wandering around. "Wow look at all the Pokemon!" Trevor shouted as he looked around with sparkling eyes. He then grabbed his camera and began to photograph a lot of the Pokemon that were wandering around.

"Amazing I have never seen that one before!" Tierno pointed out as Shauna and Calem went and petted a group of Helioptile that were with their mother Heliolisk. As they petted the normal/electric Pokemon, they noticed how friendly the Pokemon were to them.

"Wow... Dragonite, Tyranitar, Metagross, Garchomp, and Hydreigon all in one lab," Ash started in wonder as he looked at some of the Pokemon united in one group. Ash obviously knew them from past memories as he turned to Pikachu and said, "Pikachu look, pseudo-legendary Pokemon."

"That is right, these Pokemon are very strong and their stats can rival those of a legendary Pokemon!" Sycamore responded from behind Ash. Ash then turned slightly startled by the sudden voice to the Professor as he kept explaining with hand motions. "Amazingly, my research has lead me to discover that Tyranitar, Metagross, and Garchomp can achieve something beyond evolution. They can mega evolve!"

"Wow, that must be amazing, I wish I could know how to use it," Ash replied in awe as he heard the term "mega evolution". It seemed like a strong combination of power for Ash's team and if Ash could harness that power... Thing is, Ash never had really thought about even adopting that power before, much less actually traveling since he just stayed in Lumiose and attempted to thrive with his wild Pikachu.

"It takes a strong bond and a stone," Sycamore replied simply. This made Ash look into his pocket and take out a case. The word "stone" had reminded him of a certain stone he treasures.

"Professor, what is this?" Ash asked showing Sycamore the stone he had in his pocket. He wondered what it was, so he thought that the professor would be a great person to ask. The stone glistened in front of the professor showing off the DNA symbol.

Sycamore grew wide-eyed, "T-That's a k-key stone... if you find a Pokemon you have a strong bond with you could mega evolve, if it is holding the right stone of course." Sycamore then examined the stone before giving it back making sure it was, in fact, a keystone, and sure enough, it was.

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