Road to Master Ch20- Ash vs Wulfric! Attempting to win on a broken spirit!

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On the Mountains in route to Snowbelle:

"Come on Clemont I don't want to miss Ash's gym battle!" Bonnie shouted. Bonnie and Serena were leading the group while Clemont was lagging behind and panting as he got closer to the girls that stopped to let the inventor catch his breath. Clemont reached the girls and with a large collapse fell to the snow on the ground.

"Bonnie you need to take it slow, I am dying out here!" Clemont said on the snow trying to shake the tiredness he was experiencing. Serena took out her navigator and looked at the route they were following.

"It says here that Snowbelle is still a little far, we can expect to get there tonight," Serena said.

"Oh man, I wanted to see Ash battle," Bonnie pouted.

Serena sighed and went up to the little girl and put a hand on Bonnie's shoulder, "Don't worry, I think we will see Ash battle soon!" Serena smiled as they all started walking this time at a pace that Clemont could keep up towards Snowbelle.

A/N: So we are ready for the gym battle :) I am hype as well. Also we get reintroduced to a person that Ash will have to go through in the future and keep in mind that if you thought Paul was bad, this is worse… Mostly because I like to exaggerate stuff on here and optimize the intensity to the very limit.

Now Ash may be OOC in this chapter, he might not be a lot like Ash or Alain so keep in mind that it is for a reason as to why I wrote Ash in this way this chapter. Also, the fact that Serena, Bonnie and Clemont have not arrived at Snowbelle in time for Ash's battle will have a purpose and it will get clearer.

I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon

Chapter 20- Ash vs Wulfric… Attempting to Win on a Broken Spirit

Snowbelle City:

"Ash are you ready to battle the gym leader? I heard he uses ice type pokemon," Brock explained as he walked next to Ash. The trio was headed towards the gym and the snow was cold. The day was very foggy, but that was nothing, with their coats on they felt nothing.

Ash looked over at Brock and smirked, "I know a lot of the Pokemon in my team are weak to ice, but we will have to pull through." Brock smiled at the idea as they neared the gym. Standing outside the gym though… an unpleasant surprise came.

"Oh…" This boy smirked while looking at Ash and Pikachu. "It is that weak trainer with that stupid Charmander." The boy said in a venomous tone that made Brock flinch. Brock assumed it was Ash's rival, but a type of rival that takes it to this level is something Brock had never seen before.

Ash just clenched his fists. Anger started to course through him. Through clenched teeth Ash simply said, "What do you want Damian…?"

Damian just smirked and turned towards the city, then turned back to Ash, "I am just here to wish you bad luck, hope you lose, stiff." Damian then let out an evil laugh as he walked away.

Brock stood there in surprise and turned to Ash, "Ignore him Ash."

Ash just sighed, "I… guess…" Ash started to remember his recent losses with Frogadier and it was beginning to affect his attitude, more importantly, Ash's confidence. This was something Brock noticed as he and Ash walked into the slightly warmer gym. Ash was in a pensive mood as the trio reached the end of the long corridor where the TV came to life.

"Welcome to the Snowbelle gym, how may I help you?" The television voice came on.

"..." No response came from Ash that was staring at the door in front of him with blank eyes.

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