Road to Master Ch34- Ash and Calem's promise! Night's revelation!

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With Ash:

Ash was taking a small stroll through trainer's village by himself. Serena and Bonnie promised to take care of Pikachu for him as Ash said he would go out for an early stroll. Serena specially had wanted to allow Pikachu to play with Kapi and Ash was slightly amused by that thought. Ash though, he wanted to be by himself during the entire walk because he mostly wanted to think about his team's potential for the next battle. He knew that whoever his opponent would be, it would not be an easy opponent because most people have been able to get past the first couple of rounds with a few pokemon.

Ash thought about it. He remembered watching a couple battles earlier that day and he remembered that Calem only used Chesnaught and Talonflame. Other than that, Ash also noticed that Trevor and Tierno relied on their starters a lot to get through the first couple of rounds as well. It was curious to Ash as to why people would go with their strongest off the bat like that, specially with it being that there could not be anything stronger… Or could there?

Ash shook his head, people were going with their strongest probably and Ash knew very well that Pikachu, Goodra, and even Greninja have not battled yet. Still, it was intriguing as to how he was able to get through with three of his other pokemon debuted and performed amazingly.

Ash then thought about using all of his six pokemon throughout the battles of 3 on 3. That way, when 6 on 6 came around, all would be well rested, but also not rusty from lack of battling.

Ash walked through the walkway enjoying the afternoon sun through the people. He wiped some sweat off of his forehead to then look up at a monitor mounted on a light post above Ash. Ash quirked an eyebrow as he looked at what it was.

Ash noticed the cloaked man using an Aegislash. This time, it was using shield form and using king's shield. Looking at this, Ash put a finger to his chin as he then saw Aegislash shift into blade form and disappear into the ground of a mountain battlefield. Suddenly, Ash saw as the Aegislash came up and slashed on a Scizor. Ash thought this was shadow sneak, but he was not sure.

Ash then looked down from the screen and smirked as he looked to the person in front of him. Standing there, he saw a teenager about his age with pale skin and dark blue eyes. Notably there was black spiky hair with a dark blue outline. His clothes included a black pair of pants and a black undershirt. Finally, the teenager also had a black jacket with dark blue streams that surrounded made up the edges of the jacket. Walking next to him, Ash noticed a Jolteon that was also staring at Ash with curiosity.

The teenager looked like he was looking for something. Well, after looking closer, Ash noticed it was mostly someone this trainer was looking for. The person then turned to Ash and said in a kind voice, "Hey, what's up?"

"Nothing much really," Ash said as he then had his eyes drift to the Jolteon that was next to the trainer. It looked powerful alright, there definitely was some maturity in the personality of the Jolteon. Ash then looked back at the teenager and said while scratching the back of his head, "I was just taking a walk around the stadium."

The teenager smiled, "Same here, but I am just looking for someone."

"Who?" Ash asked perplexed with slight curiosity.

The teenager then smirked, "Just some guy that thinks that performing illegal moves is appropriate enough for pokemon." Ash then saw the Jolteon generate some crackling electricity on his spikes while looking in a certain direction.

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