Road to Master Ch50-

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At the entrance to the tunnel:

Ash was standing there on his own, the hexagonal hallway was bright and the sounds from the stadium were packing at full blast which were muffled sounds to the raven haired trainer that was standing right in front of the stairs. The stairs lead to a dark corridor that would then hold the light to the outside, where he would have his battle against his father... The last battle of the tournament.

Ash took a deep breath as he looked down to see Pikachu next to him, he noticed the electric mouse had a determined look on his face, one that definitely portrayed just how he was ready to battle along side his teammates just to win this battle. The Kanto native then reached down towards his belt and counted the pokeballs: All six pokeballs were there (counting Pikachu's) which meant that he had everything he needed to win...

Yet something still made him feel unsure of himself.

Ash stood there looking with a blank expression towards the stairs with a pensive tone, something that Pikachu noticed as he looked up at his trainer with a puzzled expression. The electric rodent was expecting something more of like a tightening of the fingerless gloves to then tap his foot once on the ground, but then again, that was not happening, at least not this time.

Ash's ears then heard an unexpected angelical voice from his left which made him turn around:

"Ash!" She shouted, running with a very tired look and sinking to her knees in front of the raven haired trainer trying to catch her breath.

The Kanto native went wide eyed as he looked down at the person that had just come for him, "Serena, what are you doing here? You should be with the others-"

"Ash, I know you might be lacking a little bit of confidence right now," The honey blonde replied which made the raven haired trainer go wide eyed and also made Pikachu cock his head with curiosity. Serena then looked up with a determined expression, her blue eyes gleaming brightly with the light surrounding the two trainers. "Here," Serena said as she pulled something out of her pocket...

The handkerchief.

She reached out to Ash and put it in his hand. The raven haired trainer looked down at the white piece of fabric and studied it carefully, it was well maintained, just as good as when he had first given it to Serena back at the years ago. "S-Serena, this is the-"

"Yes..." Serena replied with a smile before then turning around and sighing. "Look, I promised myself that I would do as much as I could to get you to the top, so I am trying to do that for you right now with the handkerchief."

"Serena..." Ash said with awe as he watched the honey blonde begin to walk away... "Why?"

Hearing this, Serena stopped in her tracks and turned around while looking down with her fedora shadowing her eyes.

"Ash..." She said in a very quiet tone, only audible for the raven haired trainer.


"Here is why I am doing this," Serena said as she began to walk towards the raven haired trainer. Ash recoiled a little and he went wide eyed as he saw the honey blonde getting to an extremely intimate proximity to him.

A view of the feet of both trainers shows a pair of brown boots going on their tippy toes in the direction of a pair of red and black shoes.

A view of the feet of both trainers shows a pair of brown boots going on their tippy toes in the direction of a pair of red and black shoes

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