Road to Master Ch9

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(The person in the picture above is not me, but she makes a REALLY good cosplay of Serena! Her Twitter is @XYZ_SERENA )

Ash's Dreams:

Ash was surrounded in a field with flowers and a gentle breeze. He was looking around confused at what he was seeing. It was peaceful, but nice.

"Pikapi!" Ash heard as he turned around to see his Pikachu running over to him in a hurry and in tears. Suddenly, Ash noticed the entire ambient change into a forest. Pikachu ran into Ash's arms as Ash noticed poachers taking away lots of Pikachus from the forest into a machine.

"It's ok Pikachu," Ash said as he covered the mouse's eyes and ears. "I'm here I won't let anything happen to you."

Ash then thought about being somewhere else, but instead of being transported, Ash noticed large plants and a white beam change the ambient in the forest to a destroyed landscape. Ash then noticed a Goodra and Sceptile taking berries from a tree that belonged to many other pokemon.

Ash recognized the Pokemon, "Sceptile? Goodra? What are you guys doing? You guys are better than this!"

The Pokemon looked at Ash as if to attack him, but a large barrage of fire stopped them, it was a draconic fire dragon that Ash recognized as a Charizard, but it was a blue one though. This Charizard punched the ground and let off an attack they fired molten rocks and ash through the ground at intense momentum and caused a giant explosion that erupted on Ash.

"Urgh!" Ash winced in pain as the ambient changed. Ash noticed the scene change completely as there was nothing but a black fog and water that Ash felt that went up to his knees. No pokemon was around him.

Ash started to walk in confusion until he saw a something. A bipedal pokemon with a long tongue scarf that had for some reason a similar appearance to Ash as Ash noticed. This pokemon also had a large shuriken on his back. Ash reached out for this mysterious pokemon only for his hand to go through nothing but water that splashed on the water below.

Suddenly Ash turned to the sky and saw a gold light, a medium sized dragon with large ears cleared the fog and stood in front of Ash. The gold veil disappeared and Ash saw one of his trusty pokemon.

"Noivern," Ash said as he approached the pokemon and touched it.

"Vern!" Noivern replied as he took Ash's hand and the entire ambient started to glow.

Ash then understood what the symbolism was, "No painful past... Purity... That is what you are Noivern. The other pokemon and I raised you to not have the same burden."

"Vern!" Noivern replied as the light then began to engulf Ash and Noivern.

At the tent:

"(GASP!)" Ash awoke from his dream confused and covered in sweat. This startled Pikachu as the rodent woke up immediately.

"Pikapi?" Pikachu asked weakly as he heard his trainer wake up and Ash snuggled among Pikachu.

"It was just a dream Pikachu, only just a dream," Ash said as he closed his eyes and went back to sleep. Pikachu did the same next to his trainer of course.

As Ash drifted off he asked himself these questions: 'Why was there a Charizard that was black and blue? What do my pokemon's burdens mean for the future? Will Noivern's purity come in handy?...

What was that Pokemon that looked like me that had a giant shuriken on his back?'

A/N: So let's continue our journey with Ash. He has just defeated his father in battle once, but he has to make sure that he can be at his prime for the next battle. Right now though, he is going to take a detour to Glorio City for the master class in which Serena and Shauna are performing. Calem is there for Shauna and the others will be there too.

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