Road to Master Ch46- A new friend! Strong bonds solve conflicts!

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At the stands:

Ash just watched with wide eyes as he watched a large explosion surround the field in front of him. The raven haired trainer's eyes then shifted to his right to see the the cloaked man's Aegislash, who used night daze as the last attack land in front of him with the smoke beginning to clear in the rocky field. Ash narrowed his eyes as he looked through the smoke, and instantly, he knew that the battle was over when the trainer opposing the man, who was using an Alakazam who Ash noted was in his mega evolved form. "It's over," Ash mouthed as he looked beyond the field to see the referee raise his hand as the Alakazam shifted back into his regular form.

"Alakazam is unable to battle," The voice of the referee rang through the microphone system throughout the stadium and instinctively the entire stadium burst into cheers. "This means that Satoshi is the winner!"

"And it is over! Satoshi has also advanced into the semifinals along with Calem, Seth, and Ash, who will be having their battles tomorrow!"

"Wow, this battle ended quickly, it has not even been half an hour since Ash's battle ended," Tierno remarked while Ash looked at the scoreboard with a shocked expression to see the man called Satoshi's face be displayed as the winner for a couple of seconds to then have his face be put with Calem's, Seth's, and his. Ash watched as "Satoshi" recalled his pokemon, which Ash knew was a Zoroark, back into his pokeball to then begin to walk out of the battlefield, which had been a rock field as well.

Ash looked to his right to then see that Serena looked at the field with a very worried expression, he noticed the fear that was being reflected in the shining blue eyes that the honey blonde had. Ash leaned towards the girl a little, but not too much and whispered, "Everything alright?"

"Huh?" Serena asked as she looked back at Ash. She had to admit that the sun beaming down on the Kanto native's skin made him look vibrant and intimidating, but not in a bad way, just made him look a little stronger than he really was. "Oh," The young performer replied with a bright smile and then looked back at the battlefield, "I was just thinking about something, it's nothing."

"Ok," Ash said as he sighed and looked back at the scoreboard to then see that the crowd was cheering about something else as well.

"Guys! The semifinal matchups are about to displayed!" Trevor happily chanted as he looked at the faces of the four trainers. Ash looked at the scoreboard, where it said "Top 4" on it and then looked around to see Brock smirking.

"This looks like a very tough semi final bracket, a tough trainer that has not had a single pokemon be defeated, a trainer with a mega Swampert, another trainer with a Mega Gallade, and lastly, a trainer that has been working with pure teamwork and passion," Brock implied as he looked around. "I definitely see this as being intense as hell!"

"I am so excited to see who Calem and Ash are going to be going up against!" Shauna remarked as she looked at the field and looked at Calem. "Calem, you make sure that you give it your all, right!"

"Yea!" Calem said as he then turned to Ash and saw the raven haired trainer, "And we are getting closer to a potential rematch Ash, so if it does happen, no holding back!"

"I would not have it any other way Calem," Ash said as he smirked at the jet black haired trainer. "You bet that this time, things will be a lot different!" This caused Calem to smile and look back at the scoreboard with a "yea right" look on his face.

"The final matchups for these two battles has been decided, and the order has been too!"

"Alright! Here we go!" Bonnie exclaimed as she edged closer to the edge of her seat to look at the scoreboard that began to shuffle the faces around. It was clear that the matches would be back to back, but the fact was that the pairings of who would go against each other was what many were worried about, mostly because many were intimidated by the Satoshi man, but that did not matter as this was all a fun tournament for the title of champion.

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