Road to Master Ch51- Ash Versus a Master of Illusion!

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"Alright class," Professor Kukui said as he stood up from his desk. "Class has been dismissed." Everyone looked at the professor with gratitude, but they also had worry in their blood vessels as they had heard that Lillie was gone from the pokemon center that she was originally in. The room was quite nice, it had large desks scattered across the wooden floor and there was even open windows to the outside. Along with that, the front of the room had a large chalkboard where the professor had just finished his lesson: Special vs Physical.

Hau stood up from his seat with an uneasy feeling as he stretched and yawned while looking at the professor, "Professor, the Kalos League finals are supposed to be today, can we watch it?" Looking behind him, there was an instant light up in Lana, Mallow, Kiawe, and Sophocles' eyes as they looked at Hau with very eager eyes and curiosity.

Professor Kukui looked at the group and sighed, "Alright, we can just watch it through the projector if we tune into the right station." Following that, Professor Kukui went to his desk and clicked a few times with his mouse to then turn on the projector to display to the class the live events from overseas. "Wow, it looks like a heated battle," Kukui responded as he took in what he was seeing through the display.

The stadium had a deafening role from the stands as Malva appeared on screen. "This battle has already begun to climax. The battle between Ash's Sceptile and Satoshi's Zoroark ended to Satoshi, but Ash surprised many by winning the next two battles to which Satoshi responded with a fearsome Dragonite." Replays showed of the battles as the screen then shifted back to show the city field with both trainers in a staredown. "The next battle could be anyone's guess as to what could happen!"

Hau watched the screen with excitement as he smiled, "No way! Ash made it to the finals!" Everyone turned to him with confused look on their faces except Mallow as she noticed the familiar raven hair and the light blue scarf around the boy's neck with a Pikachu at his side.

"He's the guy that you battled, right Hau?" Mallow asked as she looked at the green haired trainer.

"Yea, and he is super strong too," Hau replied as he heard the announcer ask what two pokemon the two trainers would use next during this battle. Hau narrowed his eyes as he looked forward: "His Pikachu, Goodra, and Greninja managed to take me down surprisingly, but that is just the beginning of all of his power, his Sceptile, Noivern, and Charizard are definitely top notch, and right now he still has Pikachu, Goodra, Charizard, and Greninja left which means he is in a good spot."

Everyone in the class looked surprised and impressed at the same time as they looked back at the screen to see the raven haired trainer's determined look as he pulled out a pokeball. Kukui looked at Ash as well with a smirk: "So a strong trainer, this is interesting," he muttered as he watched the sun gleam in the raven haired trainer's eyes as he threw the pokeball forward.

A/N: Who is Ash going to go with next? It is just a matter of time before you find out. Anyways, the Kalos League only has about two more chapters after this one, so I am hyped up to see what will happen in the end of everything.

Anyways, I hope you guys are hyped to see what will happen next in this battle!

Key of Kalos League:

The announcer won't be referenced as the announcer. Any text in italics that is in quotations is the announcer and assume that it can be heard by everyone in the stadium.

League Scoreboard System:

Bold: In use pokemon/trainer name

Italics: Fainted pokemon

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