Road to Master Ch37- Ash vs Hau! A life on the line

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At the stands:

"And what an amazing sweep with Chesnaught from Calem! And the boy with the Juggernaut grass type has won one of the jackpots of prize money while securing a spot in the round of top 16!"

Serena looked down at the battlefield in front of her to notice as Calem recalled his Chesnaught to then thank his opponent and walk back through the dugout. Serena looked to her left and noticed that Shauna was smiling with a bright smile. "So he won again," Serena heard Ash say from her left over the sounds of the stands cheering on for Calem's victory. "We promised to have a rematch, and I will definitely not be losing this time."

"Pika pika!" Pikachu smirked while pumping his fists.

Serena put a hand to her mouth and giggled a little before turning to Ash and saying, "Hey, Ash, isn't your match next?"

"Huh?" Ash asked until realization hit him. "Oh man! I have to run!" Ash then got up with such a strong force that even Pikachu struggled a little to hold on.

"Ash, make sure you win this battle!" Clemont said with a large smile as he passed by the lemon blonde boy with glasses. Bonnie and Brock also gave Ash a nice thumbs up before Trevor and Tierno also wished Ash good luck. The scarfed raven haired trained and his Pikachu then turned to the right at the set of stands and began to run up the stairs until he saw the exit of the stands. He then looked back at the battlefield and noticed that the scoreboard that had Calem's face as the winner of the match changed to Hau and himself. At this Ash smirked and walked up into the hexagonal hallway.

"Alright Pikachu," Ash said as he walked down the hallway that had a blue tint and a hexagonal shape along with yellow lights that illuminated the way. "I feel motivated to win this battle."

"Pika Pikachu," Pikachu replied with a fist pump that made Ash chuckle a little bit.

"Pikachu, because I want to win this battle with style," Ash then felt his belt with his hand and felt every single pokeball until two stood out to him. Ash then reached a corner at which he turned right. "I am going to lead with you, are you ready?"

"Pika Pikachu!" Pikachu cried with excitement as he gripped Ash's shirt a little stronger.

"Hey Ash!" Ash heard a familiar voice call out to him as he finished his turn and noticed the hallway to the left that had some stairs that would end up leading to the battlefield. Ash could hear the sound of the cheering going on, but he then noticed that Calem was right in front of him as well. "Ash, are you up next?"

"I totally am!" Ash said with a pumped fist and then motioned to Pikachu who was also grinning. "And I will win go make sure we make it to our promised battle!"

"Hehehe," Calem chuckled as he looked down and then put both of his hands on his pockets. "I am looking forward to hopefully having a battle with you Ash, but remember you have to win here first."

"Right," Ash replied with a smile until he narrowed his eyes, "And watch closely, because there is a pokemon that I am planning to use, and he is the one that wants to have a rematch with you."

"Frogadier?" Calem asked knowingly. Ash just smiled even more at this and Calem seemed to see a little bit of fire in Ash's eyes that made him back off a little. "Anyways, I have to go on ahead and go back with the others. You better win this match, because when after this battle, they will call us all down to get the prize money... And you better be the one that stands there with me."

"You bet!" Ash exclaimed while holding out a clenched fist in front of him. Calem then nodded and went around Ash with a smile on his face. Ash turned around and watched him leave until he made the turn and disappeared. Ash's ears then picked up on the faint sound of cheering coming from the stairs. Ash looked at Pikachu, who had a determined look on his face, and then ascended the stairs with a great amount of confidence. When Ash reached the top step, he saw the light at the other end of the tunnel...

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