Road to Master Ch49- The preparation for the biggest challenge yet!

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At the stands:

"BOOM!" The entire stadium was quiet, but Serena knew that someone had definitely prevailed during the battle. Her expression was serious and with confidence as she held Kapi in her hands. Everyone other than the honey blonde had their mouths agape watching the ginormous blue hemisphere shatter into an amazing shockwave that echoed throughout the entire arena. Mairin kept a tight hold on Chespie, she had been shocked at the end of the battle clearly not expecting anything that happened.

Professor Sycamore and Diantha also had shocked expressions covering their faces as they saw the dust beginning to settle in the primarily destroyed rocky battlefield. Neither of them could comprehend anything, from the Ash-Greninja transformation to even the enormous shuriken and psycho cut collision that had just occurred in front of them.

From a distance, Ashura kept a good look at the battle. He was sure that at the last second he saw the giant red shuriken prevail and cause the enormous explosion that was just witnessed. But sure enough, he had not expected his own son to be so in synch with his pokemon in a way that made Greninja also appear to look a little like him.

At the battlefield:

Ash and Calem both looked towards the battlefield with serious expressions as they waited for the smoke to completely clear and portray the result. Slowly but surely, the view became more visible, and both trainers could now get a good view of what had happened:

"Ade..." Gallade muttered as he was on the ground losing his mega evolution form and glowing to revert back to his normal form. The bladed pokemon did not even have any energy to even stay up for just a bit longer because of how direct he was to receive the entire blow from the potent water type attack.

The entire stadium was quiet as the referee raised his hand and pointed it towards Ash, "Gallade is unable to battle." At that very second, Greninja landed from the air with a swift and quick motion that left him in a pridal position in front of the raven haired trainer, who had a smile on his face. "This means that the win goes to Ash from Lumiose City!" The stands immediately burst into cheers as the scoreboard then changed to show that Ash had won his battle with the words "winner" bellow his face.

"What a battle! Ash and his mysterious Greninja somehow managed to defeat the monster that was the undefeatable Gallade! And that transformation was magnificent!"

At the stands:

"Marvelous!" Professor Sycamore remarked as he clapped his hands. "Truly a beautiful display for all of us to see!"

Diantha smiled towards the battlefield and sighed, "Yes, it truly is quite a surprise to see how in synch Ash and his Greninja were to even be able to transform like that." Diantha then looked onto the field: "That Greninja has come a long way since the last time I battled it, I would not be surprised if it gave Gardevoir and I a better battle soon."

"Oh man Calem," Shauna sighed as she smiled. "He truly did put up an amazing battle, congratulations to Ash though, his battling was amazing!"

"Congratulations Ash!" Tierno and Trevor shouted as they looked forward.

"Ches pin!"

"De ne ne!"

Bonnie and Mairin jumped out of their seats and began to exclaim complements towards the raven haired trainer in the battle field as Brock crossed his arms with a bright smile in his face, "To know he made it to the finals. On his first try too." The tanned skin man then pumped his fist: "That is how you win a battle!"

Clemont looked at Brock and nodded, "I agree, I would have never thought that Ash's battling would even get him this far, maybe he will even win this entire league conference if he can stand a chance against the Satoshi guy!"

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