Road to Master Ch8

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A/N: Ok guys, we are nearing the end of the prologue, this is the last chapter in the prologue. The point of this chapter is to introduce the rest of Ash's team rounding him out to an even team of 6 (the egg counts).

Now, I may have rushed the encounters of Ash getting a team, but the reason for this is because I don't want the prologue to last up to the second gym badge if anything.

Now without further ado, let's continue!

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon

Chapter 8- The Lumiose Bandits

Lumiose City:

"Wow Ash we finally made it!" Serena exclaimed with joy. The duo were entering Lumiose and they had the time to enjoy the city again.

"True, right Pikachu?" Ash asked as he petted his electric mouse. Lumiose City was their main home for so long, so it was nice to see it again despite it being just a couple of days.

"Pika!" Pikachu agreed.

"Ash look, so many things we can do over here! Let's go to that store!" Serena shouted in excitement as she started to drag Ash to a clothes store that was near the entrance to the city.

"Uhhh... ok," Ash replied as he got dragged by the hand. He was not a fond of shopping, but he agreed anyways as he wanted to go looking around the city not as a homeless boy anymore.

"Ash look at these dresses, how do you think I would look in them?" Serena asked as she looked through the window in front of the store. Ash had to admit that Serena would probably look great on one of the dresses, the blue one in particular, but Ash just decided to open a can of worms instead.

"I don't know, you may look very nice in all of them!" Ash replied with a toothy grin as he looked at the honey blonde. Fact was, Ash did not feel like shopping, so he decided to play a little game with Serena as a little bit of fun to have with his childhood friend. Ash then thought of something that could give him some space. "Serena, let's play a game," Ash started as Serena turned to him with a perplexed expression. Ash then continued, "I go out and get you something you like and you get me something I would like, then we meet up at the cafe and exchange!"

Serena let the idea sit for a second, but then her face opened up with a smile, "Sounds like fun Ash, I am going to go to that store then!" Serena exclaimed as she walked off leaving Ash with Pikachu.

Ash sighed, "girls." Pikachu was on Ash's shoulder and was confused as to why he would go through with this. "Pikachu, do you have any idea of what she would like?" Ash just wanted to get something quick so that he would not have to worry about wasting time.

"Pika pikachu," Pikachu shook his head in defeat.

"I would have guessed it," then something grabbed Ash's attention as he walked into the same store that Serena was just looking in to. "Pokepuff maker... increase your pokemon's traits in cute, clever, cool, tough, and beauty," Ash muttered reading the machine's label on the box.

"Pika!" Pikachu exclaimed in awe as he thought about all of the pokepuffs that could come out of the Pokepuff maker. Ash had to admit, it would help her with performing if she wanted to pursue that as her main track in her dream.

"Do you think she will love it?" Ash asked his partner slightly anxious about buying the Pokepuff maker.

"Pikapi pikachu!" Pikachu nodded yes with a large amount of desperation. He was dying to have a Pokepuff at this point.

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