Road to Master Ch24- Battling at a huge amounts of volume to not wake up Ash!

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Lysandre Labs:

"So, Lysandre," A woman with red hair, pale skin, glasses with a red tint and a black with red attire said to the man that had a red lion mane like hair. The room was nice and it was very comfortable for the two adults who sat in their own leather chairs. Lysandre was conversing with a colleague at that time and as he did that, he was petting his Pyroar. "What do you think we ought to do about that trainer?"

Lysandre sighed and spoke up to the woman, "Malva, to be honest… He is strong, he has proven himself to be a threat to my plans…" Lysandre trailed off. Then spoke up again, "I will just have to attack him when the time is right."

Suddenly, a door slammed open and two grunts piled into the room with an alarmed expression getting both the attention of Malva and Lysandre who turned to the grunts who obviously did have bad news. One of the grunts then spoke up, "Our Zapdos was caught!"

Lysandre at hearing that got out of his chair with extreme alarm and through gritted teeth shouted, "WHAT?! AFTER WE GOT THEM BACK?!"

Earlier at an undisclosed location:

Hunter was walking through the route to Lumiose attempting to catch another pokemon. He was next to a bipedal fire chicken and a small fox like pokemon. He turned to the chicken and said, "Blaziken, keep your guard high." Hunter then turned to Eevee and said, "Eevee, make sure you stay on guard."

Suddenly, he was met with a cry for help: "DOS! Artic! Moltres!"

"What was that?" Hunter asked himself as he saw his pokemon tense up.

"Blaziken!" Blaziken said as he pointed in the direction of the trouble.

"Blaziken, Eevee, let's go!" Hunter shouted as he ran through the shrubs and bushes and what he saw next completely left his mouth hanging open. "No… f*cking… way!" Hunter's expression then grew to worried. "EEVEE, BLAZIKEN QUICK!"

"Eevee!" Eevee shouted as he charged up a shadow ball in his mouth. Blaziken then jumped into the sky setting his leg in fire and coming down towards the target.

A/N: I am going to leave it at that. There is a cliff hanger now and that story might not finish until next chapter so keep that in mind. Until the league I may do these things.

I want to say that you guys are ready to make fan art of what happens next!

No… (someone whispers in my ear)

Wait there already is fan art of this?

(Whispers in my ear)

Wait, but didn't Ash get a picture?

OK, Now I know what to write!

Just a quick tip, this chapter is based on Noivern and well… Serena because it would be fun to do an entire chapter on her!

Enjoy ;)

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon

Chapter 24- Battling at a huge amounts of volume to not wake up Ash! Serena gets confessed to?!

That morning at the campsite near the stream:

The gang was enjoying breakfast under the beautiful morning. The sun was out, the sky was clear because Goodra was in his pokeball. The fletchling chirped and the breeze was nice and Serena… (See what I did there?). Brock and Clemont had prepared some nice breakfast for the group and they were all digging in, until of course Bonnie noticed something was missing… In fact something at the table that was very important was there.

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