Road to Master Ch39- A Confusing Strategy to Battle!

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With Ash walking towards the stadium:

"So Ash," Ash heard as the young inventor of the group looked at him while adjusting his glasses. Ash turned to him with a slight quirk of an eyebrow so that Clemont could continue. "What will be your strategy for your battle against Hunter? I know that Hunter will probably not be an easy opponent, in fact from what I have seen I can barely be able to calculate Hunter's power."

Brock then nodded as he came up to the raven haired trainer from the other side, "Clemont is right Ash, you need to think carefully about how you are going to battle because being your first full battle is something that would end up costing you if you are not careful."

Ash just sighed as he stopped and took a deep breath. He just wanted to forget a little about his battle with Trevor and enjoy the beautiful sunlight that the day was bringing to Kalos. The people walking through the concrete was extensive as they piled into the stadium through the entrances. Ash noticed the shadow of the morning casting a large black shadow over the group as Ash then sighed as he turned to the others and said as his scarf waved a little in the wind, "Don't worry guys, I am confident in my abilities and my team. I think I can manage Hunter."

"He's right," Everyone's eyes went to the honey blonde haired girl that had both of her fists pumped and a vibrant smile that shone despite the darkness of the shadow overhead. Serena then put a hand to her hair fedora and smiled even brighter as she said, "Ash will win, I am sure of it! If he doesn't give up until the end and always keeps his head up he is unstoppable!"

Ash felt his heart began to race as he watched Serena's smile causing him to smile himself. Pikachu, who was on Ash's shoulder was also smiling at Serena knowing that she had full confidence in Ash and his team to win the battle. "Serena is right, we have to give Ash the most support that we can!" Bonnie chanted as she grabbed Clemont's hand and began to drag him past the gates through which everyone was walking into the stadium. Ash could not help but smile as he then watched Brock follow close behind them as well.

"Pikachu, are you ready?" Ash asked his electric rodent. The one who instantly smiled at Ash knowing that the battle would be won if confidence was put into everything that is done in the battlefield.

"Ready as always," Ash recoiled at this as he saw Serena begin to walk behind the others in the way towards the stadium. Ash had his mouth open agape as he saw the young performer vanish into the crowd. Ash then smiled as he remembered that his battle would not be in a long time, so he also began to walk into the stadium with the intent of not going to the stands like everyone else, but on the way, he ran into someone:

"Ash," Calem said as he approached Ash from the front in the empty hallways of the hexagonal stadium. Ash smiled as he approached Calem and noticed that the latter had come out of the trainer's lounge. This made Ash believe that Calem would be one of the next to battle.

"Calem, are you up next?" Ash asked.

"Sure am," Calem replied with a pump of his fists. "I am going to have to get through Tierno first though, so wish me luck!" With this, Calem then walked around Ash and up the stairs.

Ash watched Calem disappear into the sounds of a crowd cheering and into the white light that was opaque to what was at the other end. Ash then took a deep breath as he entered the trainer's lounge knowing that his battle would be right after Calem's. Ash looked at the room and noticed that there was some refreshments and a monitor that was displaying what was going on in the battlefield. Ash watched as Calem and Tierno stood across from each other and how the scoreboard featured both trainers with six pokemon available to battle with. Ash decided that he should take the time and do something else so he signaled for Pikachu to stand near the other side of the lounge as he took out all five other pokeballs from his belt and made them flash out.

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