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Jason put his arms around my waist. He kissed me on the lips and leaned me against the wall.
He started to pull up my top but I tried to pull it back down again.
"Jason-" I tried to say before he plonked me onto his bed.
I couldn't take this anymore.
I tried to let go of his grasp.
I tried to escape.

I didn't want this relationship anymore.
I wanted to go home.
I wanted to.. I wanted to find someone..

After hours we were fast asleep in bed.
-well, he was.
I lay awake. With tears in my eyes.
I had to break up with him.
I couldn't have this.
I couldn't let this happen.

I quietly got out of bed and put my clothes back on.
I grabbed my phone and put it in my bag.
A piece of paper caught my eye. I grabbed a pen and wrote the words,

I'm really sorry, but I don't want to be with you anymore. Things got too far and you aren't my kind of person.
Please don't call me again.

I walked out of his house in tears.
I was so anxious with how he would respond.
How would I respond to his response?
I had been with his for almost two years and people thought we were the cutest couple at school.

But school was over.
College was over.
I hadn't found a job apart from sitting in my computer making YouTube videos that got like ten views.

I had just about enough money to buy a train ticket.
I didn't need to get a train to my house but for some reason I didn't want to go home.
I wanted to just go away from life. Just go away.

I sat looking out the dark grey Windows, seeing the rain pour outside and the condensation build up inside.
Everyone looked like mutants.
Emotionless, brainless masterpieces.
All different yet all the same.

The train arrived at its final station in Chichester.
I had never been there before. I didn't really know anyone that lived there.
I walked along the dark rainy road. Tears falling from my face.
I had nowhere to go.
No one to see.
Nowhere to stay.
This was a mistake.

I sat down at the table beside Squid and Nicole.
I had invited them both to my house.
We were sitting at the table playing Poker.
"Mate did you.... Oh my god!"
"Royal Flush Bro!"
I looked at Squids hand in disbelief.
"How much money do I owe you now..?" I sighed.
"Twenty quid!" Squid laughed.
"Well I'm gonna nip out to the bank to get some money out.!" I laughed,
"Awk no mate it's fine!" Squid argued.

I put on my coat and put up an umbrella.
The weather was awful.
It was about eleven o'clock at night. I ran towards the nearest cash machine which was at the other side of the road.
As I ran I slipped and bumped into someone in a black jacket. The person fell on the ground.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry are you okay?!" I said. Kneeling down to reach the persons hand.
I looked in the persons eyes, it was a girl. She looked about seventeen to eighteen. Mascara poured down her eyes. Her hair was long and straight and wet. She had been crying and had been out for a long time.
Her eyes widened when she saw me.
She recognised me.

"Hey can I bring you in?" I asked her. She nodded.
I put the umbrella over her head and put my arm around her arms.
She was freezing.

We crossed the road and I unlocked the door. We went inside.
"You got my money Staaahhmmm-" the girls eyes closed and her legs started to give way. Squid ran over and caught her legs before she fell.
"What happened?" He asked me, as we carried her into a spare room.
"I don't know, I bumped into her and she looks like she's been out there for hours." I said. Placing her down on a bed. I pulled the covers over her.
"She doesn't look very old. Nineteen at most."
"Yeah.." I said. Looking at the girl. She was pretty. That was for sure.
"Should we call someone?" I suggested.
"Like the hospital?" Squid added.
"I don't know. She just fainted. I'll get her some water and turn on the heating in that room." I said. Taking one last look at her before we closed the doors, leaving a bedside lamp on so when she woke up she would see the room.

I sat back down at the table beside Squid and Nicole.
"So stamps has a new girlfriend?" Nicole said.
"What?" I questioned her, I just got over Melanie leaving me!
"I saw the way you looked at that girl, that's love at first sight!" Nicole said.
I raised an eyebrow.
"This is awkward!" Squid said.
The awkwardness ended with us hearing deep frequent breaths coming from the girls room.
All three of us ran over to the outside of her room.
We all looked at eachother, unsure who should go in.
Nicole ended up going inside.

I opened my eyes in shock.
Where am I?
Was seeing Stampy just a dream?! It had to be! Have I been kidnapped! I want to go home!
Suddenly a girl walked into my room. I recognised her. She sat down on the bed beside me and put a hand on my shoulder.
"Hey... Hey your okay. What's your name?" She asked.
"B-Beth." I said.
"I'm Nicole. Your in a safe place. Do you have a parents number?"
I nodded. "I.. I should go.." I got out of bed.
"But your soaking. Why don't you go have a warm shower, it's okay you can stay."
"Are.. Are you sure?" I asked,
"Of course." Nicole said to me.
Isn't she Squids girlfriend? So I really am at Stampys house..

I went back to the boys.
"She's having a shower, I told her that she could stay if that's okay. Her name is Beth." I said.
"Yeah that's fine. Do you think she recognised us?" Stampy asked,
"There's a big chance that she could have." Squid said, "not to brag or anything."
"I get you." Stampy said, sitting down on the sofa.
We carried on our game of cards until Beth came out of her room.

She looked beautiful, she had long brown hair, bright blue eyes and a dark green shirt.
"Hey, come sit down."
She just smiled and sat down beside me.
"Hey are you alright?" I asked her, she nodded.
"Well, I'm Joe, or you can call me St-" I saw her smiling, "you already knew that didn't you?" I laughed, so did she.
"So tell us a bit about yourself then?"
"I'm Beth.. But you can call me Sqaishey." She said,
"Well Sqaishey, would you care for a drink?"
She smiled, "go on then."


It took about two hours until we were killing ourselves laughing with puns, jokes, stupid stories and incredible dance moves.
"Well I studied music at collage and got that sorted, now I'm just looking for a job and a home."
"Why don't you move in with Stamps?" Squid said, I blushed.
"Guess a couple weeks would do no harm."
"Careful - a Couple weeks could turn into the rest of your life." Nicole added, I narrowed my eyes at her.
"How much per night?" She asked me, giggling.
"All free if you give him a kiss on the cheek!" Squid called. They really shipped us didn't they..

I didn't remember much after that.. Just her kissing me and us all falling asleep...

And that's where it all started...

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