A Friend in Need

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Sqaisheys POV

I'm not buying that son-of-a-bitch some clothes. He can buy his own clothes if he wants to scar children for life with his horrifying peeling bleeding skin. Like seriously. Who does that?
I don't want to be with a man like that. It's just not happening.
I decided that I was going home. And I wasn't going to live or game with that freak.
But something just struck me, he has nothing now. His house is gone, and all his fan art and his electronics burnt.. But he is a millionaire he's got loads of money he can buy his own house, a mansion if he likes. And he will have money to spare.
I boarded a train home. I wasn't staying another minute with him.

Stampys POV

"Charrise." I said, my nurse came running to me.
"Is everything ok, sir?" She asked, politely.
"Not exactly, but- would I be allowed to go home soon?" Home..
"Um.. You know what, yes. Just take it easily and don't touch your face a lot. Make sure you apply your cream every day until it heals."
"Thanks Charrise, I owe you one."
"No problem, if you are feeling dizzy or concerned just ring an ambulance straight away, ok?"
I nodded.

I had nothing to pack up except for my heart, that had sunk so far down that there wasn't a point having a heart anymore. Tears ran down my face, I had lost everything. My home, my phone, my lap top, my t.v, my books, my cameras, my best friend. And my money? Money can't buy happiness.

I walked down an unfamiliar street. I don't go into the city often so it's still very new to me.
I went into a shop, I bought a blouse and a pair of black trousers. I also bought a hair brush and perfume.
I went into an apple shop and bought a phone, then a laptop and a rucksack to carry it all in.
I was just about to go into another shop when I bumped into Nicole.
"Joe! How are y-Joe are you ok?" She looked at my face, that's when I broke down completely.

"Joe.. Joe! C'm'ere. What has been going on?! What happened to you?!" She hugged me, strangely the hug felt familiar, like I had done it before, with her, in a dr- in a dream? Why is everything a dream! Can't this be a dream too!?
"I'm fine really, I'm fine I just need a home."
"Y.. You lost your- I mean. Of course! C'mon lets get you cleared up."
I covered my face, walking through the crowds of people and before I knew it I was sitting in the back seat of a car.

It took about 10 minutes to get to their house. David came out, kissed Nicole, opened the back door to get shopping and looked at me,

"C'mon lets get you inside." Nicole said, eyeing David to help me walk.
They sat me down on the sofa, gave me a cup of tea and the dogs went and sniffed me.
"Now stamps, what.. What I'm a looking at?"
"A man who has lost everything." I sighed.
"Joe what happened." Nicole said.

I explained the fire. I saw David shake his head when I said I fell asleep. And Nicole nudging him.
"Beth.. She was in one of those moods today and.."
David didn't need to hear the rest, he went up to me and hugged me. Nicole sat, biting her bottom lip in pity on another sofa.

"Stay as long as you need here, mate." He patted my back,
"I'll go make the bed up with Nicole." He said, they both left,

Squids POV

"That poor guy. He's just lost everything."  Nicole nodded,
"I think I might have to talk to Beth." Nicole said,
"Don't talk to her!" Stampy walked into the room,
"Just don't."
I shook my head, looking at Nicole. Something really bad happened, and Joe must have been involved too. I reckoned there was a fight.

Nicole and I made the bed up, let Joe rest and then we sat in our bedroom at the other  side of the house.
"There must have been a fight." I said,
"Yeh, he was really like.. Not himself."
"But Joe, he's like, defenceless, like seriously, he wouldn't touch a worm."
"I think he was involved, himself. I think he spoke."
" I'll text Beth and see-"
"Yes, do, but just don't mention a word to Stamps."


Hi Beth, how is your day going?

Right, that's what you say to start a conversation.

Crap. What about you?

Now we are getting somewhere..

I'm not too bad, what's been happening that's made your day 'crap'?


I'm here to help, tell me about it.

How am I expected to be in a relationship with that son of a bitch when he wants to make videos of himself when five year olds are going to see him with bits of skin peeling off and him all bloody and red. It'll scar them for life!

So.. What did you do?

I left him.

You left him, when he was really ill, he just lost everything, the one time he really needed you, you left him in a hospital?!

The bastard can look after himself

I decided not to reply to that, but just to leave it there. I called David up.
I let him read the messages.
"Oh my bloody... Jeez... People these days. I mean I agree with her in some aspects, I mean yeh, he shouldn't really be showing his face like that to his young subscribers, but.... Like seriously. You don't do that! You don't just leave him!"
I nodded in agreement to Davids comment.
"Let's just forget about that for now and go to sleep, stamps and I have to go to court tomorrow. " David said, giving my phone back to me and turning the light off,
"Night love." He said, in his amazing Yorkshire accent.

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