Friendly Hatred

214 13 14

Stampys POV

I went upstairs into the shower, I sat on the ground.  Somehow, everything was going perfectly. I rinsed my pretty disgusting hair, I put a bit of shampoo in it then I decided to trim it, only slightly. I trimmed it around the sides and the top, and a bit at the back. I really believed I looked so much better. I put on the same old clothes I have been wearing for almost a week, I stole some of Davids deodorant and for once, I didn't feel as disgusting as usual.
I walked down stairs into the living room, where Beth had sat down, her make up was on, she had beautiful long eyeliner, it was just her signature look.
"Alright? Y' ready to go into town? I'll go and get the Land Rover out, it has the most room, although.. It only has two seats, does someone mind sitting in the back, I mean it's just going to mean there won't be a seat belt.
"I'll go in there." I volunteered,
"Nope, after you fainting I'm going in there!" Beth demanded,
"Yeh it's probably best." David said, looking at me.
"Fine. On one condition that we get to vlog!"

"Hello this is Stampy! And I am joined by the one and only Squid Nugget and Sqaishey!"
"Am I not the one and only?" Beth complained, jokingly,
"Nah, your hamsters called Sqaishey."
"Oh I suppose your right, yeh."
"So.. Where are we going Squid nugget?"
"I haven't got a clue actually, where do you want to go?"
"Well that's a good start! How about you two go and have a look at some furniture, I'll go and get some clothes because I have been wearing the same thing for ages, it's the only outfit I have!" I handed the camera to Sqaishey who was at the back so she could get a better view.
"Eeew smelly Stampy!" Squid joked,
"Oh would you stop teasing me you've been doing this for ages!"
"What did I tease you for the last time?" He smiled.
I stared at him, "shut up."
"Ooh little fight going on!" Sqaishey giggled, "now now cut it out!"
"I'm supposed to be driving! You don't want to be in another car crash!"
"Rather be in a crash than to be with you." I moaned,
"Awk stamps I'm sorry!" Squid said patting his back,
"Yeh right."
"Ouch." David complained,
"Stamps say something nice!" Beth said, putting the camera up to my face, I covered the camera as it did.

Sqaisheys POV

"What's up with you two?" I said, coming between them,
"It's nothing." David said, "we're pals!"
"Yeh!" Joe put his arm around David and patted his shoulder.
"Well, that was weird!" I said, turning the camera to my face, then turning it back again.
"So, your definitely not fighting..?" I asked,
"No what gave you that idea?" Joe winked at David, something was up.
"Hmm... Nothing." I switched the camera over to my face again, and raised an eyebrow,
"So.. Where are we going again?"
"Shopping, getting furniture and mattresses for our new house!" Joe said,
"And I'm getting a nice cuppa tea." David said, smiling.
"I like Squids idea better, you can go buy furniture yourself!" I giggled,
"Actually yeh, let's just buy lots of tea." Joe agreed.
"Ok, we have just about arrived so let's go tea finding!"
"Yay!" I turned the camera off and handed it back to Joe.
"Seriously though what's that fight about?"
"Nothing we aren't fighting." Joe said,
"You sure?" The boys looked at each other, seriously, then looked back and snorted.
"What the hell guys! What's up?!" 
"Squids a perv." Joe giggled,
"That means nothing to me?"
"You know when we though he was asleep-"
"Oh you little twat! Oh you didn't! Oh my god why!?" I covered my eyes as I was going really red.
"You little bastard you are." I  friendly punched him.
"Come on give us another kiss now!" Joe looked back at him, and gave him the middle finger.
"Speaking of you being PG." I said, nudging Joe with my hip.
"Oh quit it." Joe moaned,
"Come on don't be like that! David has helped you so much, he's allowed to have a little joke with you."
"Yeh alright, don't bring it up a lot." Joe moaned,
"No promises love birds! Ex ex oh oh!" Squid teased,
"Shut up! Jesus Christ!" Joe shouted walking through town, getting a few looks.

"So.... what furniture do you need for your new house?"
"Bed, table, basically everything, but we will just get the basics first." Joe said,
"Right, well Beth and I will look for those stuff, while you go into that clothes shop and get yourself some duds."


"Right. 'Kay." I said, walking into the clothes store. Yes I loved David, but Jesus Christ he was annoying, all that because I kissed Beth? He's kissed Nicole, probably in that way too.

I went into a shop, grabbed about five plain blue t-shirts and  three pairs of jeans. I also bought a pair of converse and a jacket.
The total cost was £56, I paid the money and then went to see what the others were doing. Beth had found her dream bed.

It had a wooden frame, it was super king size, and the mattress was soft and springy.
"I love it." I said, lying on the bed.
David took a picture of Beth and I on the bed and put it up on Twitter,
"This is their idea of shopping for beds" he wrote as the caption.

"You know what. I think I might have to buy it." I said,
"OMG seriously!?"
"It's the comfiest bed I have ever lay in."
"It's expensive?" David warned,
"It's bloody well worth it!

We ended up finishing our shopping with a bed, and mattress, a cupboard, two bedside tables, a big L shaped sofa, a big t.v and about 6 rugs and 3 tables, and one big kitchen table. And £7,000 less in the bank.

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