Back Together?

255 11 16

Sqaisheys POV

I sat in my bedroom, my eyes were red and puffy, what have I done? I have just dumped my one and only, and he has nothing now.
I looked on YouTube, only to see a notification.
Stampylonghead has uploaded a new video.
I screamed with annoyance, before clicking on the video.

He was there, naked. In bed! No clothes on! Oh my god. Seriously?! Well... I suppose that he wasn't looking all that bad now, his face had healed up. But I wasn't impressed that he showed his chest. Well I suppose he only showed his chest, not anything else.
He was going to buy that house, that big beautiful house . I had to apologise, he'd be a sad, lonely old man in a big house if he didn't have someone. When he moves in I'll come and apologise, in person.

Stampys POV

I woke up in the morning. Amy was on the end of the bed. She glared at me.
"Joe, we need to talk." He announced, her face was stern.
Amy, cross? Amy doesn't get cross, she always peaceful and kind, she doesn't get cross, she just doesn't!

I sat up in bed, forgetting that I was naked , I pulled up the duvet so I wasn't showing anything.
"What is it Amy..." I moaned,
"Joe. What happened to you?" She asked, touching my face.
"Nothing." I said, pushing her hand away.
"Something happened, you're never like this."
"Am I not?! Well then that's my problem, not yours." I got out of bed and started to put my trousers on.
"You don't care, do you." Amy said, shaking her head as she looked at me,
"Have I ever?" I said, while putting my shirt on.
"Go home, Joe, go home and get your life back together." Amy said, leaving my room.

Squids POV

Amy walked out from Joes room, I had been looking through the key hole, as was ChooChoo and weewee.
"Amy. What on earth did I just see."
"A lost and broken man. He doesn't care about anything anymore." Amy sighed, a tear rolled from her eye,
"What are we gonna do about this, one of the worlds most famous minecraft you tuber, he can't just go." ChooChoo said.
I hugged Amy,
"C'mon, he's just annoyed about Beth." I said,
"He's annoyed about everything." Amy cried,
"Shh, Amy lets get you cleared up."

I walked in Joes room, he was sitting on the end of his bed, looking out the window.
"Whats the point, Joe. " I sat beside him,
"Whats the point on letting out your anger on other people. What is your anger even about?" I asked,
"You know very well what it's about." He moaned. He never even glanced at me. We sat side by side.
"And why are you angry with her?" I asked,
"She.. She.." He broke down, tears were streaming down his face. His eyes were red and puffy.
I pulled him into a hug,
"C'mon now, Stamps, you need to harden up. Your not seven anymore, your old enough to take a joke, and insult, your old enough to understand. So just be stronger, go on, ring her up now."
Joe looked at me in shock, but he needed to be told, he needed to harden up. I gave him a friendly nudge on the elbow, and I think I caught a glimpse of a smile.
I left the room, and I heard Joes phone dialling.

Stampys POV

I slowly dialled Beths number, I hesitated before pressing the green button.
The phone rang three times before Beth picked up.
"Hello? Joe?"
"Hi." I said,
"H..hi Joe I'm sorry about earlier I-"
"No I'm sorry." I said,
"Why? It's me that put you against your will-"
"And it's me who put you against yours." I said,
"Um.. I hear your moving house." She said, changing the topic completely.
"I don't have a choice do I?"
"" She mumbled,
"If.. If you want to come over anytime your welcome too." I said,
"Hmm, maybe." She said,
"See you later Beth."
"See ya."

I walked out of the room with a smile on my face, into Amy's room where she sat alone with tears rolling down her face.
She turned and looked at me, shocked,
"I rang Beth. And- I think I owe you an apology."
She shook her head, and leaped into my arms.
"I knew you were in there somewhere. I knew it." I kissed her on the forehead then walked out of her room into the kitchen and made myself a cup of tea.
"Hey, y'alright?" ChooChoo said, in his southern Irish accent, I nodded,
"Tea?" I asked,
"Oh yes, here I'll make it, Weewee, Amy, David? Tea 'r Coffee?"
They all came running down, all asking for tea, Amy made some vegan pancakes which actually tasted quite nice... Well, they tasted of nothing.
We then left the house by about 12 and set off home.
I sat on the train beside David and Amy. Amy had managed to fall asleep on my shoulder, with the most unattractive face, making David and I almost die of laughter.
"Look at her mouth!" David laughed, "it's in the shape of a V"
"I can't see, take a picture." I said, trying to turn my neck to see her face,
David took a picture and I... Well..  I Did die. To the other people on the trains annoyance.
"Her face! A HAHAHHAHA!" This, unfortunately. Woke Amy up.
She woke up to see us sniggering and snorting at Davids phone,
"What's your problem?" Amy said, raising an eyebrow,
"This is going up on Twitter!"
"You didn't! You actually didn't!" Amy giggled, "let me see- ahaahaha! Oh my god, that's why I shouldn't fall asleep in public!" David gave out a little chuckle before Amy realised she had to get off.
"This is my stop guys, nice seeing you again!"
"Bye Amy!" I gave her a hug, as did David before she got off the train.
"Let's do a little vlogulation!" David suggested,
He got out his phone, and started to record,
"Hello dis is another little Vlog I am here joined by a little puddy cat, Stamps."
"'Ello!" I said,
"Now we are just on a train coming back from Edinburgh, Amy Lee has literally just left, oh you might be able to see her now!" We peered through the window to see Amy waving at us,
"Bye Amy!"
The train then departed, leaving us chatting on the train, the train stopped after 10 minutes, and we were playing cards,
"Jack change it to... Spades." I said,
"Is that who I think it is?"

Squids POV

I saw a girl, brown hair, a blonde streak, carrying a suit case and attempting to put it on the top shelf. I nudged Joe.
"Is that.. No..." I filmed Joe walk up to her,
"Sorry can I help you with that?" He said,
"Oh my gosh is that... Is that Sqaishey?" I said to the camera,
"Y- yes pl- Joe?!" It's was Beth!
Beth dropped her bags and hugged Joe.
"Aww isn't that cute!" I said, filming the couple hugging,
I switched the view back to my face.
"Now, this is a good time to look at his cards... Hehehe!"
I turned the camera off and went to say hello to Beth.
"What are the chances?!" I said, looking at her.
I could see why Joe liked her she was very pretty.
We greeted her then carried on with the vlog.

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