This Girl Is Going Down In History

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Stampys POV
I was handed a newspaper in the morning,

"This Girl is Going Down In History" -David Spencer. That was the headline.
The picture of me kissing Beth when she was getting dragged to the hospital was also on the front page. I sighed,

Bethany Bates also known as Sqaishey has been missing for over a year, she was found yesterday night in her boyfriends Ex's house, Melanie Candy was the name of the kidnapper, who tortured, raped and whipped Beth.
Beth has been taken to hospital, she is believed to have not slept in over a month.

I looked through the window where Beth was still sleeping,
"She'll probably be asleep for a couple of days." David said.
"Uh huh." I replied,
"Wanna go and get something to eat?" David suggested,
"Sure, why not." I said, standing up and helping David up. David looked at the newspaper,
"Very nice picture, eh?" He laughed at me,
"I remember a similar conversation." I replied,
"You've improved," he raised an eyebrow.
"Here, I've got a video of you when you were drunk-"
"Oh please no!" He laughed.
He sat on his phone,
"Oh gotta check my money, haven't checked it in a year, might be broke!" I tried to hard not to smile.
He went on the app, and dropped his phone on the ground.
"Either there is something wrong with my phone," his eyes were wide, "or you are a very, very nice man." I pulled him into a hug,
"What the hell did you do that for?" He said, hugging me,
"Because one year is a long time."

We went to a nearby restaurant.
"David," I said, looking at my phone, "you have just gained half a million subscribers."
"What?! Your joking." He took my phone off me, "wow. I need to update that channel."
"Why don't you do a little vlog now?" I suggested,
"Now?" He looked around the busy room.
"Yeah, why not?"
"No, the atmosphere isn't right. I think I need to do it alone or.. Or in hospital, just somewhere more quiet. I think after a year they need a formal video."
I nodded, I suppose he was right.
Our food came, with a glass of water.
"So, how'd you get Melanie?" He asked, eating a chip.
"Right, so i was told it was her by the forensics, so I rang her up, went to her flat, I got her to fully trust me-"
"How did you get her to trust you?"
I just looked at him, I knew he understood.
"Oh my god you must have been crushing Beth!" David said,
"Until I beat her up, and the police came in."
"Badass!" David sniggered, "but why didn't you just call the cops and let them deal with her?"
"I wanted to embarrass her, like really embarrass her, I wanted revenge for that year she had spe.... David. It's your birthday!"
"What?! Really?!" David looked at the date on his phone,
"Oh my god yeh, yeh it is! I'm twenty five!" Davids face just lit up.
"Well now I suppose I better pay for it!" I said,
"Eh, no. I think you've given me quite enough money, Stamps." I rolled my eyes,
"Well... Maybe."

We went back to hospital, it was dark. David took out his camera, took a deep breath and started to record.
"Hello, Squiddy here. It's been a while, hasn't it. I'm sorry, most of you probably know the situation. I, I'm in hospital, with Stamps." I waved at the camera, knowing how hard it was for David,
"So, what happened Stamps." He looked at me, I sighed, "I don't know anymore." I ran my fingers through my hair,
"Will we just, forget about what happened?"
"Yeh that was so totally one year ago!" I laughed,
"Well, we were at a house party that lead to.. Well, this. So it's all over the news, Bethany Bates a.k.a Sqaishey, has been found, and look!" He grabbed the newspaper, as I struggled to take it off him.
"Look at the cute little picture!" I grabbed it off him, "of the star-crossed lovers!"
"You don't say... Star-crossed." I sighed, looking in the window.
"Awk Stamps, she'll be fine, give her a month and she'll be back to her old self." David said, I hope that's true.

I looked in at Beth in the hospital bed... It reminded me of a scene.. It never happened did it? Was it just a dream, when I looked at Beth in the hospital bed and she told me,
"Meet me in bed."

Squids POV

"So, you want an explanation, why did I say I did it?" I looked over at Joe, he was falling asleep in the corner.
"A- after we found out about what happened to Sqaishey, the police left. Stamps, he wasn't himself, he, he really wasn't and you can't blame the man, he's just lost his girlfriend, well, okay so we got into a bit of a.. Mess, and Stamps was convinced that I took Sqaishey, which obviously wasn't true because I was here the whole time and the a
car had already driven away. But to the intoxicated mind it had, and I was thinking of all these ways I might have been able to do it that I started to believe that I did do it. Plus, Joe is more well known and more people like him, he's got a big happy family with an engaged sister and he had a lot more to live for. That's why I said I did it. Do I regret it? Yes. Because they could have kept looking without thinking they had succeeded and found her quicker."
"Are you serious?" I looked over to see a watery eyed Joe. I filmed him, "you have just as much to live for as any of us, more than me."
"Give us a hug," I said, stretching my arms out.
I let out a small tear and turned the camera off.
It was dark, it felt like the earth was still.
"I missed ya Stamps, it's been a hard one, but it's all uphill from now,"I said. Patting his head.
"All uphill from now." He whispered, letting his head fall into my shoulder, then he slowly drifted off to sleep.
I watched the midnight sky glow, I watched my sleeping friend sigh.
Suddenly I didn't care about YouTube or the Internet or my gadgets.
I just cared about my friends, my best friends. And how all of them were going to be okay...

-or so I thought..

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