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We drove quickly in the ambulance to the nearest hospital.

She was dragged out of the ambulance on a bed by the paramedics, they called out all her details to the surgeons in French. I didn't understand a word.
I was lost in this horrible state of mind, unsure what to do.. Unsure where I was..
I felt.. Tired.. Did I not get a full nights sleep? I can't remember.. I hope I'm dreaming..

I sat in a waiting room outside where Beth was being operated on.
I counted twelve surgeons in there.
Four female and the rest male.
I would never fall asleep.
I would never stop waiting for her.

A surgeon walked out. She could speak fluent English. I was relieved.
"How is she?" I asked, standing up.
"I-I'm very sorry.. "
My face sank. The operation didn't work.

I walked into the cubical.
Beth was awake, but only just.
She looked more perfect than anything I'd ever seen before.
Her neck had been covered with bloody bandages.
But she didn't cry.

I sat down in a chair beside her.
I put a hand on her pale, soft face.
I looked at the monitor that sounded at every heart beat.
I could hear her beginning to fade.
It was that horrible, horrible feeling when you knew, you knew that she would soon be dead.
And so.. I dared to say.
"Joe.." She responded. Basically in a breath.
"Don't try to speak, it must hurt.." I moved closer to her, "Beth.. I don't care what you have done.. I love you."
I moved close to kiss her, but her lips were lined with blood.
Her heart beat began to fade.. Slowing.. Slowing.... Slow.

Her eyes started to close.
My life was tearing apart.
"I don't think I can live without you and David." I cried.
She opened her eyes just a little bit as her final tear dripped down her eye.
"Meet me in bed."

The monitor slowed to a halt.
Everything shut down.
All was quiet.

And I just sat there..

I kissed her on the forehead.

Trying to keep in tears.

Meet me in bed? What does that mean? I mean, that's cute and all but why would that be someone's last words..? I'll figure it out one day.. But I want it to figure it out now.. Before I have to close her eyes for the final time..

I found myself crying.
I'm not a hardy man but it takes a lot to make me cry.
This did.

She was gone..
Squid was gone..

I needed to go home! I needed to escape! I couldn't live like this! What was there to live for?


And so I flew home.
I went back to my house.
And I sat on the sofa.
Just wondering what on earth had happened.

I took out my laptop.
All the latest tweets were just, "what happened? Where are you? What's going on?"

I decided that it was time to record a video.
"Hello this is Stampy- I'm sorry for not saying anything recently." I looked at the reflection of myself, "I'm sorry I look so bad, it's been such a long day.."
I stopped recording and put my head in my hands.
I just couldn't bring myself to make this video.

The door knocked. I walked into the hall and opened it, Nicole walked in, saw me, then hugged me.
"Oh I'm so so sorry!" She cried. Hugging me tightly.
I felt comforted. I felt safe in her arms.
"Thank you." I said to her, "thanks for coming."
We sat down in the living room. Just.. Living I guess.

"I was trying to bring myself to make a video but.."
"You burst into tears?" She finished my sentence. I nodded.
She held my hand, "let's make it together."

I pressed record.

"Hello this is Stampy and I am joined by Nicole to tell you that I-" he looked at me, "that I won't be continuing YouTube for-"
He froze.
His gaze was fixed somewhere outside the door.


He opened the door and walked into the hall, towards the guest bedroom.. The bedroom where Sqaishey stayed.

"She's here! Look Nic-nicole!" He yelled.
I ran over to him. He was pointing at nothing.. A wall? The floor?
"Who is here?!" I asked,
"It's b-Beth! Look!" He really could see her..
"Joe.. She's not here.."
"She- she is she-"
He collapsed and his eyes reached the top of his head.
I tried to break his fall but he was too heavy for me.

The front door opened, Amy Lee walked in,
"Hi Nico-" her eyes widened when she saw Joe on the ground beside me.
"Help!" I cried, pointing towards the phone. "Please!"
Amy rushed over to the phone and dialled 999, she called out Joes address saying that he was unconscious.

Amy and I sat beside Joe who was lying on my knees.
"What happened?" She asked me,
"We- he was filming a video and he just left right in the middle of speaking and walked into the room where Beth stayed. He said that he saw her, he-"
Amy pulled me into a hug.
"He's not well is he?" I sighed,
"All these tragedies must be getting to his head," Amy said.

Joe's eyes opened.
I leaned back, I was afraid.
He started crawling towards Beth's room.
"No- Joe! No she's not there!"
"You chased her away! You-"
He started to run towards me and put his arms out.
"Joe you have to listen to me! Please,"
I was planted against a wall, he had his hands on my shoulders and started yelling.
"Where is she?!"
"Joe! Stop! You're hurting me!" I cried.

The paramedics ran through the door, they grabbed Joe,
"I thought you said he was unconscious!"
"He was.." I sighed, sitting down on the ground. Holding my head.
"We'll take him to A&E. You can talk to us on the way there."

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