Forgotten Lover

171 9 2

Stampys pov

We sat down at Davids sofa with a cup of tea and biscuits. Nicole stayed in her room, supposedly because she didn't want to sit with a murderer like me.
"Stamps." David sat on the sofa opposite,
"what's up?"
"Well I know your up but.."
"Yes?" I said,
"What are we gonna do about YouTube."
"Drop it." I said, then I looked at his shocked face, "m- maybe.." That settled him,
"Why would you do that?" He asked,
"No one would want their children watching a criminal pretending to be child friendly."
"If YouTube is what you want to do, do it. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."  He said,
I looked over to Beth, her face was pale, her eyes were bloodshot red, I then looked back to David and smiled, this made him smile.
"Okay?" I laughed.

Our cups of tea turned into wine at the table, we drank to YouTube and we stayed up till two, playing cards, telling stories and jokes.
David took out his camera to vlog, I felt okay with it, but a little anxious.
"So I'm here with Stamps," he turned the camera over to me, a waved awkwardly, "hello stamps, and I'm also here with..." He zoomed into Beth's face, "Sqaishey!"
"Hello!" She giggled, I wheeled myself around in my wheelchair,
"Oh stamps!" He said, "do you reckon you can try to walk?"
My eyes widened and I looked down at my legs,
"You can try, don't if it's too sore." He said, placing his camera on the table opposite where we were,
"Um.. I mean I can hop."
I then slowly got out of the chair, I lent on David and on the non-effected leg. I then tried to bend my leg, but it was so stiff,
"I can't even bend it!" I said, trying to touch my knee, "it's too stiff!"
"Someone needs a physiotherapist!" David said. Beth then massaged my knee slightly, before gradually bending it for me.
"I'll give a try walking." I said, before standing up on my non-effected foot, gripping to David.
"You gonna try leaning on the other leg?" David asked, holding my arm, I felt quite anxious about it, and about possibly swearing in front of the camera, even though he would beep it out or just not add it in.
I carefully put my other foot down,
"Ouch! No!" I leaned on the other foot, feeling the pain on the foot.
"At least you didn't break it!" David said, "you'd be in crutches for another month or so."
"I'd prefer not to have been shot." I laughed, answering all the fans questions but creating a new one.. Who by? But they didn't need to know that.
I limped my way over to the sofa, repetitively saying "ow," as I leaned on my left foot.
"Oh this is more comfortable." I said, falling on to the sofa.
"You'll be on to crutches soon, you don't need a wheel chair!" David said, falling on the sofa beside me with his camera, Beth jumped on the other side.
"So... Maybe vlog again in ze morning." David said, talking to his camera, "bye!"
He ended the clip with me yelling "oh my god that hurt!"
"So, how was that!" David asked me, "toughy!"
"Jesus Christ. It burned!" I exaggerated, lifting up my trouser legs and un-doing the bandage revealing the bullet hole, slightly red, but it was healing up well, with a bit of cream and exercise it should be fine.
"Right I'm exhausted, I think I'm gonna hit the hay."  David said, "here I'll show you to your room."
Beth and I shared a room this time without any awkwardness.
"I'll leave you two to it," he laughed, "good  night."
"Thanks for everything David," I said,
"No bother guys, take it easy on the leg,"
"Will do, " I laughed, "night."
He closed the door over as we got undressed and hopped into bed.
"So... That was a day." I sighed,
"You don't say." Beth replied, lying on her back staring up to the ceiling.
I rolled over on my right leg towards her, wrapped my arm around her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek.
"I'm so sorry, you've went through too much today." I said,
"Today was nothing." She said, "just another day." Her eyes started tearing up, she's thinking of Melanie..
"I just never expected anything like this from you!" She lay her head on my stomach and allowed herself to cry.
I softly ran my fingers through her beautiful soft hair. Stroking her face.
"I never expected it either. But it's the first and the last time I will ever do it."
I stared at her, "I promise."

Squids pov

I sat in my bed, Nicole was getting changed in the bathroom I assumed. I took out my camera just to update the vlog.
"So, it's really late, or really early should I say. Stamps and Sqaishey have all went to bed, we had quite a.. Shocking day today, I'm not going into any detail because it's private and you won't want to know, but we had a good night, I managed to cheer them two up which is good. Stamps was thinking of quitting YouTube, but you don't want that! So I'm trying to get him to change his mind, if you agree with me on this one, comment on his Twitter, his videos, his Facebook and whatever he has, go tell him that you don't care what he has done or what has happened to him, he's a great Youtuber and he shouldn't quit because of what's going on." I took a deep breath,
"I've lost Ash, I don't wanna loose him, guys." I looked around me before a tear fell from my eye, "yeh I'm just gonna hit the hay now. " I sighed, "good night, more footage in the morning."

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